Carb Diet Tips

Carbohydrates, the good, the bad and the ugly. One of the many carb  diet  tips that follow is--stay away from the bad. The bad is simply sugar, refined sugar--the kind that's in the sugar bowl. Not to worry you say, cause we don't eat sugar from the sugar bowl. Oh but we do, if we're not careful we eat tons of it. It's in most of the "goodies" we love to eat, candy-ice cream-cakes-cookies just to name a few. We can drink it by the gallons as well, any regular soda has tons of it, just check out the carb count on the can.

The unbelievable stats that are coming out these days as to how many of us are overweight is mind blowing. With all that we know about the harm being overweight does to our body's. The overall destruction of our body's that happens to us when carrying around extra weight, like kidney problems, heart problems, liver and even mental problems is devastating and could even lead to death. Yet we don't get it--we just keep going our merry ways from the bad to the ugly. The ugly being an addict. That's right -- an ADDICT. To some of us it is just as addictive as drug habit. I guess you could say sugar is the drug of choice for some of us. Carb  diet  tips number two---don't become a sugar addict. I just read yesterday, I'm not sure where but it stuck in my mind, that very soon the rate that diabetes is increasing, one out of three will have it. NOW THAT'S SCARY!

In carb  diet  tips number three we're going to get away from that ugly sugar addict and move into the good part of carbohydrate intake. Yes, there are good carbs, and these would be whole foods such as whole grains, nuts, fruit and vegetables to name a few. Complex carbs, unprocessed foods. These are foods that should be incorporated into a healthy  diet . We need these as they provide fiber and it takes a much longer for our body's to absorb them which makes us feel fuller longer. So--how many of these good carbs are we supposed to take in during the day? Wow, it can really be confusing trying to figure out good carbs, bad carbs and how much of this and how much of that.

In carb  diet  tips number four we will take a look at how we can answer some of these questions. We have reached a point where we know that we want to lose weight, we can't be that ugly sugar addict and we need some good carbs in our daily  diet . So, we know where we want to go, just not sure how to get there. I know myself when I do something on my own it takes a long time and when I'm done it's just not quite as good as it should be. What I'm saying here is that "two heads are better than one". We need a partner that knows what they are doing with this  diet  stuff to get us to our destination. That is a slimmer, healthier self with tons of energy that lasts all day. In carb  diet  tips number five we will see who that person could be.

I would think a certified nutritionist would be a start. As long as we are looking for a certified nutritionist, might as well make it a certified trainer and nutritionist all in one. After all, a major part of any  diet  is exercise. It speeds up the metabolism and helps us lose weight. Of course we would want someone who really cares about us, knows their stuff and willing to work one on one with us. Sounds like a plan to me. Hope you had as much fun reading these carb  diet  tips as it was for me to write them.