Health & Fitness - Weight Loss Diet

It's a common phenomenon that people, who want to lose their weight, opt for  dieting  without any proper  diet  plan in knowledge. Obese people have a preconceived notion in their mind that  dieting  and exercising will cut down their weight to a considerable amount. Energetic people opt for physical exercise and related activities but those who can't exercise go for  dieting . But a clear idea about proper  diet  is not known to many people. So, before adopting any  diet  plan for losing weight quickly, some  dieting  basics should be known to us.

 Dieting  basics
The main objective of  dieting  is to shed off excess weight. It's a cumulative end result achieved through the following:
o Reducing intake of calorie
o improving metabolism of the body
o minimizing absorption of fat
o improving digestion

 Dieting  means to eat healthy and smartly. It has a definite objective of shedding excess weight by changing our  dieting  habits. Considering three major meals a day, one's eating habit should be as:
o heavy breakfast
o moderate lunch
o light dinner

Breakfast: In order to have the energy for the peak working hours of the day (9am-6pm) one should have a heavy breakfast. During this period, the body is highly active and requires a good amount of energy. Having a heavy breakfast not only provides energy but also prevent overeating during lunch.

Lunch: As a feeling of fullness persists due to heavy breakfast, one can have moderate lunch and retain the energy to do work.

Dinner: Diner should be the lightest meal of the day. Thinking of an inverted pyramid, heavy breakfast is at the top, moderate lunch at the middle and light dinner at the bed.

The most effective  Diets  for losing weight quickly

The most effective  diets  for weight loss follow the basic calorie substitution principle and the meal model of inverted pyramid. Some popular  diets  names are mentioned below:

o Atkins  diet 
o South Beach  diet 
o Glycemic Index  diet 
o Zone  diet 
o Mediterranean  diet 
o Abs  diet 
o Grapefruit  diet 
o Sonoma  diet 
o Grape  diet 
o Cabbage soup  diet 

Before getting into the details of the above mentioned  diets , we must know their common principle of action which is calorie substitution

Calorie Substitution: As the name sounds' it is the phenomenon of substituting food of high calorie content with low calorie content food. For example if your favorite morning donut is substituted with an apple or a few slices of papaya then it is likely to give more nutrients and less calories.

The above mentioned  diets  for quick weight losses have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you follow a certain  diet  plan then it is advised to stick to it for the prescribed time period or else you will not achieve the desired result. If you go out of your  diet  plan and change the eating habits then it may have a negative effect on your weight. Further if you have any health problems then it is always advised to consult a dietitian before adopting any  diet  plan.