Liquid Diets

Liquid  diets  are usually a temporary form of  diet  advised before a surgery takes place. The liquid  diets  fall in to two categories. One is a low calorie liquid  diet  and the other a meal replacement liquid  diet .

The low calorie liquid  diet  is practiced under strict medical supervision only. This  diet  provides on an average about five hundred to eight hundred calories a day. This is normally a short-term  diet  plan, mostly recommended to those who have serious obesity problems and need to lose a lot of weight in a short span of time.

The meal replacement liquid  diet  replaces one or two whole meals with liquids. This type of liquid  diet  is offered to many people as an effective tool to reduce weight.

A liquid  diet  consists of fresh fruit juices or shakes. They are prepared keeping in mind nutritiously, along with sweeteners, sugar, skimmed milk and a good quantity of fiber, minerals and vitamins. Certain liquid  diets  also permit the consumption of solid or real food intake in proportional sizes.

There could also be certain disadvantages an individual encounters while on a liquid  diet . The person may get very little fiber, and the important antioxidants present in whole fruits and grains may be left out. This will lead to having a low resistance to disease. Moreover, a liquid  diet  should be under medical supervision only. The weight lost during the intake of a liquid  diet  is rarely maintained, as such  diets  do not teach us to eat right long term. An individual should realize, that although liquid  diet  works, it is not recommended for everyone.