Rachael Ray Diet - Flat Belly Diet Review

Have you seen the Rachael Ray  Diet  on her daytime TV show? It's also better known as the flat belly  diet  and today I plan to review this  diet  and explain the pros and cons of the  diet  and whether you can expect to lose 25 pounds in 3 weeks as it suggests. I'll also another weight loss option that has already proven itself if you choose not to try the flat belly  diet .

So how does the Flat Belly  Diet  Work?

The  diet  is based around a type of beneficial fat known as monounsaturated fat or (MUFA). The idea is that you eat a variety of foods that are high in this fat and as a result you will feel full from this and not eat other foods as a result. As well the ability of your body to burn off this fat more easily than other forms of calories is the major benefit for weight loss you can expect.

So what are the downsides to this  diet ?

The focus on MUFA as a way to fill you up is misleading as it has been shown that protein is the ideal food for this purpose. If that wasn't enough though to hold up an argument the major problem with this  diet  is the fact that it will eventually end and through the duration of this very redundant  diet  you will have slowed your metabolic processes as a result. This is a major problem with most  diets  and is the reason why people experience a rebound effect after a  diet  and put weight back on. Most  diets  have you either avoiding calories as the flat belly  diet  does, or has you eating a very structured schedule of the same types of foods which is yet another problem with the flat belly  diet .

The ideal  diet  focuses on your metabolism, not on avoiding calories

Lets face it, when you come off of a  diet  are you going to eat the same as you did on the  diet  or are you going back to your old habits? Odds are you'll be back to your old habits and the weight will slowly creep back on. Now what if you were to try something different such as calorie shifting. The idea behind calorie shifting is that you are focusing on boosting your metabolism through eating, not avoid calories. This is a much more realistic long term weight loss  diet  as you are focusing on changing the factor that allowed you to put on the weight to begin with. Best of all with calorie shifting there is no rebound effect, in fact part of the focus of the  diet  is burning fat continually from its effects for weeks after you decide to stop!.