Ways to Avoid a Weight Loss Plateau

Have you been losing weight and it seems that you have reached a plateau? You may have been working your tail off, but you can't seem to loose those last 5 to 10 pounds that are keeping you from reaching your goals that you have set for yourself. Don't worry, their are some things that you can do to combat this. Their are a lot of people that go through this so you are not alone at all.

It could be something as simple as tweaking your diet a little to get you over the hump.

Things that you could watch for in your diet

  • Carbohydrate intake
  • Water intake
  • Cut back on meat consumption
  • Avoid depression (Which could lead to a bad diet)

One important thing to remember is to drink plenty of water. You should be getting no less than 8 glasses per day. Water keeps your body hydrated an helps give you energy by flushing out your system. The surprising thing about this is that so many people don't drink the correct amount of water daily, so to get over that plateau drink plenty of water.

Did I forget to mention that it also keeps you from eating so much!

One thing that will stop your  weight   loss  goals dead in it's tracks is not changing your workout routine. By changing your workouts frequently, you will confuse the muscles. Confusing your muscles is a good thing, so don't worry. When you are changing your workouts your body doesn't get used to the same old workout. You don't want this to happen because boredom will set in. This will constantly challenge your body so you will be able to avoid a  weight   loss  plateau.

Remember to change your workouts

You should change your workouts routine at least 2 to 3 times every 2 weeks.

Keep your  weight   loss  goals in writing

I can not stress the importance of keeping your  weight   loss  goals in written down on paper. If you keep your goals in writing you are much more likely to avoid a  weight   loss  plateau. The whole idea of this journal is to keep you motivated so you will not have to cross a plateau an be able to loose all the weight that you want.

Some very important things you should keep in your  weight   loss  journal

  1. Keep a daily journal of your diet. This way if you are not losing the weight like you want, you can always go back an tweak your plan.
  2. Write down your workout schedule for the week. Make sure that you are making weekly changes to your workouts so you can consistently continue to challenge yourself.
  3. Purchase some clothes that are too small! This will greatly help keep you on track and help you avoid a  weight   loss  plateau. What I have found out what works best is to buy something that you know you will have to really push yourself to be able to wear.

These methods really do work!  Weight   loss  plateaus happens to all of us. If you use these steps it can be avoided.

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