Weight Loss - The Simple Secret to Success

I was a desk potato rather than the couch variety and had used children, work and too many commitments for many years as excuses for my expanding waistline.

One day I finally accepted the fact that I was old and fat-at least that's the way I looked. Forty-five, 5'6'' and 200 lbs; I hadn't planned it; the double chin, the big thighs, bingo wings and the Buddha belly, they had crept up, slowly and stealthily over the years.

For many, something happens when they hit their mid-forties, things that never ached before, do. Then there's the need for glasses, we begin to feel less invincible, becoming uncannily aware of conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol.

I was annoyed with myself and the way I looked, the way I felt, my gluttony was killing me, aching joints, breathlessness, lethargy, embarrassment and flagging confidence-surely there was a better life than this. You've heard of a padded cell? Well all my cells were well and truly padded, it was like being terminal incarcerated in a cage of flab. This wasn't living, it was dying; slowly.

Something had to be done, I could see history repeating itself, my obese mother had died aged 63 from type two diabetes and I was terrified that I would go the same way.

I was on a mission but where to begin? Over the years I had tried various diets, programmes and products with varying degrees of success, the one common feature was that nothing had worked long term.

Sometimes I'd lost a few pounds, sometimes as much as a stone but it always found it's way back on. I'd read success stories, women who had lost half their original body weight and kept it off; why couldn't I? Determined to find a solution I spent weeks researching; eventually uncovering the secret to successful  weight-loss , the secret that dictates whether you lose those pounds and whether they return to blight your life later.

You want to know this secret? Of course you do well, it's simply this; there is no one secret, there are several essential aspects to a successful  weight-loss  programme, little gems that really can determine whether your achieve your goal. One of these fundamental keys is to accept that not all diets work for all people, the key to successful  weight-loss  is to follow the right regime for you one that you can stick to. It's no good following a plan that has enabled your best friend to lose a stone in a month if it requires consuming foodstuffs that you don't enjoy. Similarly if you are so restricted in your calorie intake that you feel weak and lethargic or are kept awake at night with a rumbling stomach and hunger pangs then you're not going to stay the course.

The global  weight   loss  market (perhaps I should say 'industry' as this is what it has become) is worth billions annually with people desperate for quick and/or easy fixes sitting targets for clever marketers keen to part you from your hard earned cash. Promises of rapid results for very little effort and claims of 'eat what you like and still lose weight' have us all too often reaching for our purses and credit cards.

When starting a  weight-loss  regime most people don't have a plan of action, they just enthusiastically dive in head first, following the latest fad diet recommended by a friend only to pack in a week later when they either find it too difficult to stick to or they haven't lost what they had been promised. The first step to  weight-loss  success is therefore to forget fad diets and take a little time find a credible programme that suits your lifestyle, tastes and personality. Get this step right and you will experience a positive impact, not only on your quality of life but also the quantity.