Bodybuilding Diet

Defining  Diet 

Today  diet  has almost become synonymous with eating less than what your body demands. This is not the right way to look at  diet . Whatever food choices we are making forms our  diet . And hence, contrary to popular belief, we are all on a  diet  - even if we are packing in a couple of pizzas and a liter of ice cream every night. What an aspiring bodybuilder should focus on is to develop the habit of a healthy  diet , one that helps him to get the most out of his body.

Basics of a Healthy  Diet 

The first thing that anyone interested in bodybuilding needs to get into his head is that being on a  diet  does not mean starving oneself. It also does not mean that you have to have a couple of bottles of sports drink everyday. There are a few simple rules that you must adhere to so that you know you are on the right track.

First of all, do not gorge at one go or do not under-eat. Have regular small meals throughout the day. This ensures that you never go hungry and at the same time you do not have cravings. It is all about getting the balance right.

Secondly, whenever you eat, make sure that your meal is a balanced one with carbohydrates, proteins and good fats all featuring in balanced proportions in the menu. Whatever you eat should have carbohydrate, protein and fat in the ratio of approximately 2:2:1.

Thirdly, after you have had a meal, undertake some activity so that the calories are cycled. Otherwise our bodies get used to the excess calories and you feel hungry even if you have enough energy already stored in your body. Your body understands what you make it understand. So never fool your body into thinking the wrong things.

The Perfect  Diet 

Now that you know what is the importance of your  diet  it makes sense to delve a little further and try to find out what exactly would qualify as a healthy bodybuilding  diet .

For a bodybuilder a minimum of six meals over the day is of utmost necessity. You can start your day with a cup of dry oats and beaten eggs. While the oats provide you enough carbohydrate and fibers that are essential to your body, the eggs supply the protein and the slightest of fat that helps your body. Since you are not frying the eggs, you are staying away from the bad fats. You can have this meal at around 7am.

Two hours later you can have packet of the meal replacement nutrients that are especially designed for bodybuilders. These have the exact proportions of protein, carbohydrate and fat that your body requires and greatly helps you in developing the lean body mass that any bodybuilder desires so much.

At noon have your third meal of the day. For you carbohydrate intake you have the option to choose from brown rice or baked potato. Throw in some green vegetables, as your body will require a regular dose of vitamins. A bit of meat or fish will perfectly round off the meal with its contribution in the protein department.

As we approach mid day we often feel a need to eat and this is the most vulnerable hour of the day and we can end up snacking during this period. A much better alternative is to have the same meal you had at 9 in the morning. Have just what the body requires - no more, no less.

Don't wait for a late dinner. You should allow your body enough time to digest whatever you eat so that none of the extra calories get stored in your body without them getting cycled. Have your dinner by 6 in the evening and the menu would be similar to what you had for lunch. But if you had chosen chicken for lunch now you can go for fish or even turkey.

End your daily  diet  again with some of the meal replacement nutrients.