Day Off Diet

What Is The Day Off  Diet ?

This is a comprehensive  diet  plan which is available for online download immediately. That means you can literally get started with it within minutes from right now. This is a  diet  plan which is focused more on the foods you should be eating ("Green Light" foods) instead of the foods you should not be eating ("Red Light" foods.)

Boosts The Metabolism

One of the key factors that makes The Day Off  Diet  so successful is that it is specially designed so that it boosts the metabolism. It does this by focusing on the "fat burning foods" which turn off your "fat storing genes" and through the use of a regular "day off" from  dieting  which gives your body a much needed calorie spike. This calorie spike keeps your body from getting used to low calorie intake so that you do not go into "starvation mode."

Becoming Popular Fast

Because of it's breakthrough strategies (which make sure that you burn fat fast) and how simple it is to follow (no calorie counting, no carb counting, no food diary) The Day Off  Diet  is quickly becoming one of the most popular  diet  plans available anywhere.

100% Guaranteed

The Day Off  Diet  comes with a 100% guarantee so there's absolutely no risk in getting started with it. It includes a 60 day full money back refund period. No questions asked.

Free Bonuses

1. Free report on how to prevent & tighten loose skin.
2. Free muscle building program. (optional of course.)
3. Free beauty tips eBook.
4. Free Day Off  Diet  cookbook.