Weight Loss Made Simple

Life without extra weight extends life. Here are the steps I followed to achieve my own successful  weight   loss . I used a synergistic combination of methods to gain success in  weight   loss . Even though I ate a healthy diet, I had put on about 15 extra calories on my body frame. I looked on the scale and saw I was almost the weight I was at what I gained when I was 9 months pregnant, 131 and my maximum weight during pregnancy was 136. I looked at myself in the mirror and had been wanting to lose the calories. I tried taking lots of different  weight   loss  pills that took off the  weight , but nothing took it off and yet they cost me a lot of money. I also tried to eat meal replacement shakes, but they were too binding for my body causing constipation. I found some meal replacement bars through Amway that worked. Then Amway changed their product offerings.

Now I am working with a personal trainer, Fred Christy, to finally achieve success in my  weight   loss . According to a very successful personal trainer in  weight   loss  who explained this to me there are a list of about eight things that all have to be done in order to lose extra  weight . He gave me a log book to record every morcel of food I ate, all weights and cardio I did. If he was working with a person, he could tell what calorie level I was eating by these foods. A necessary part of successful  weight   loss , one has to be lifting  weights . Over the course of several months, the muscles in these muscles start to change shape, become firm and not flabby. These hard, muscular body tissues burn more calories than soft, flabby muscles. Here is that whole list. There is one factor that really helped me be successful in my  weight   loss . I had been eating 3 meals and packing my stomach full of food at each meal.


1. Eat every 2-3 hours, a small amount of food. If a person waits too long to eat, he becomes starving and then stuffs himself. I gained weight when I stuffed myself.

2. Eat 5 or 6 times per day. Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack If the snack does not contain a balanced meal without protein, they do not keep the hunger away. Fresh fruit or vegetables by themselves did not work for a snack. It would have to be celery and peanut butter, for example.

3. Eat water prior to eating their meals. If a person fills up first with 0 calorie food, water, he won't eat as much real food. Part of his hunger was satisfied by the water. Our bodies need to have water each day.

4. Eat 2-3 fresh fruits a day and 3-5 vegetables per day.

5. Lift some weights to tone one's muscles. Record in the log book.Your trainer will determine how many total calories and exercise to lose weight.

6. Do cardio exercise to burn calories. Record in the log book. Exercise 5 times per week.

7. Record all the food you are eating, even a cookie. You need to figure out how many total calories you ate and to drop the total calories consumed per day to lose weight.

Because I have Huntington's Disease, I alter my diet to keep my disease from advancing. I must exercise 5 days per week to produce new brain neurons. As well, I must not have sucrose, white flour, and fried foods. I eat organic foods as much as possible. This keeps the toxins off my plate. Since I realize eating sucrose makes my disease worse, that is the only motivating factor for me to eliminate to eat a diet free of it. My boss used to sit a plate of cookies and candy to treat the staff and say thank you. Once the sucrose sugar was totally flushed ot of my body, then the sweets were no temptation for me. I achieved my low weight. Then with Christmas cooking and treats, I did indulge on some days. Whenever I ate sucrose sugar, I gained and when I eliminated it, I lost. I use trehalose as my sweetener. It is the sugar found in mushrooms. So I would add one final step onto the list to achieve success.

8. Eliminate sucrose, white flour, and fried foods. That means sodas, all sugar-free items, as they contain toxins as well. If you proceed through your day and then eat one sugar treat, then that starts the sugar cravings going, every 2 hours or so. Use trehalose as sweetener.

I have a long and lanky body and that is visible to me now, that I never saw that body frame since I started having children. I have to keep working the arms to keep them from looking flabby. People think I look "hot" even though I am mother of teens. Any age person can look "hot". I invite you to follow my steps to receive the compliments about your own body.