Weight Loss Super Foods

Many people wish they could lose some weight. But it's hard to commit to changing eating habits. Is this how you feel? Congratulations, you are completely normal. Voluntarily sacrificing unhealthy foods that once provided the backbone of your diet is a major step that many individuals are unwilling to make. Thankfully, you don't have to sacrifice good taste in order to lose weight.

There are plenty of foods that are sometimes referred to as  weight   loss  super foods. These are foods satisfy hunger for longer, boost metabolism, inhibit fat absorption or just generally improve health in a way that makes it easier to lose weight.

Here is a list of  weight   loss  super foods to help you along your  weight   loss  journey:

  1. Oatmeal -- Oatmeal is high in fiber, low in calories, and is slow burning which means blood sugar levels are stabilized and your hunger is satisfied for longer. If you add sugar, honey or fruit to your oatmeal remember to do so in moderation.
  2. Leafy green vegetables -- Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, buk choy and lettuce (green leaf, red leaf, romaine etc) are excellent sources of fiber and essential nutrients like iron.
  3. Olive oil -- When cooking in oil use olive oil or natural nut oils and reduce portion sizes. Using unsaturated oils helps reduce cravings for fatty foods.
  4. Fish -- Fish and seafood are rich in essential Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 promotes brain development, mood stabilization and helps control cholesterol levels. All this in a low fat, high protein alternative to red meat.
  5. Beans -- Otherwise referred to as legumes. Beans are rich in fiber and protein, and help stabilize blood sugar levels. Vegetarians frequently use beans as an alternative to meat. You can even combine beans and ground beef to create heart healthy, low fat taco or burrito filling. The bean family includes black-eyed peas, peas, kidney beans, mung beans, lentils, calico beans, edamame (baby soy beans), black beans, cannellini beans, soy beans, lima beans, broad beans (fava beans), butter beans, pinto beans, chickpeas (garbanzo beans) and peanuts (yes, peanuts are actually a legume rather than a nut).
  6. Green or white tea -- Green and white tea come from the same plant as the most commonly consumed regular 'black' tea. The difference is the amount of time spent drying out the tea. As the tea dries out it becomes oxygenated and oxygenation kills the antioxidants contained in the tea. Black tea has spent the most time on drying racks meaning it contains the least antioxidants. Green tea is the next step down and white tea has spent the least time drying and therefore contains the most antioxidants. Antioxidants help control cholesterol levels and also boost your metabolism. Consuming four cups of green or white tea per day can boost your metabolism by 4-6% (i.e. 104-156 calories).
  7. Eggs -- Eggs are protein power houses. Egg white is almost pure protein. Protein satisfies your hunger for longer so eating foods rich in protein helps reduce the incidence of snacking. People who eat two eggs for breakfast are proven to take longer before they feel hungry again. So whip up a protein shake with two eggs for breakfast.
  8. Acai and Goji berries -- These berries are high in protein for muscle building they are also rich in macronutrients like polyphenols and bioflavonoids. They are also fiber rich and have a low glycemic index. Their strong antioxidant properties make them extremely healthy. Their actual  weight   loss  properties require further research to determine.
  9. Pomegranate -- According to the University of Houston, pomegranate seed oil reduces the body's ability to store fat and prevents the formation of fatty deposits in arteries. The sweetness of pomegranate is a great way to satisfy cravings for sugary foods.
  10. Vinegar -- According to the University of Arizona, vinegar lowers the glycemic index of foods consumed, this controls insulin levels and satisfies hunger for longer because vinegar slows down food absorption. Lemon juice has the same effect. This is believed to be due to the acetic acid content.
  11. Chillies -- Chillies inhibit fat cell growth according to research from Taiwan's National Chung Hsing Univerity. People who consume chillies can burn an additional 50 calories per day
  12. Cinnamon -- Cinnamon is reputed to increase blood levels of a chemical that delays the emptying of the stomach. Meaning that it helps satisfy hunger for longer.
  13. Soy - University of Illinois studies indicate soy protein acts as an appetite suppressant because it interacts with receptors in the brain that make us feel full. It also boosts metabolism and reduces fat absorption.
  14. Yogurt -- University of Tennessee studies indicate that individuals who consumed three serves of low-fat yoghurt per day lost an impressive 81% more abdominal fat than those who had the same diet but skipped the yoghurt. Calcium in yoghurt binds to fat in the digestive system, reducing fat absorption. Yogurt also boosts the metabolic rate which assists the body in burning extra fat.
  15. Grapefruit -- The pectin in grapefruit is reputed to bloat in your stomach in order to satisfy hunger for longer.
  16. Avocado -- South African studies indicate dieters consuming 200g of avocado daily lost as much weight as those who consumed 30g of other dietary fats. The monounsaturated fats in Avocado satisfy your hunger for longer
  17. Cherries -- Again, the antioxidant properties help boost metabolism and satisfy hunger.
  18. Sardines -- According to the University of Wisconsin, sardines lower levels of the hormone leptin in your body. Lower leptin levels lead to faster metabolism.

Including these  weight   loss  super foods with moderate amounts of your favorites will provide a healthy, enjoyable diet that yields effective  weight   loss  results. You can even go further and use natural seasonings opposed to pre packaged ones to add flavor to culinary creations. Examine your favorite taco seasoning and read the ingredients list. Use the spices listed to make the dish healthier. The extra effort can actually make cooking more enjoyable as you face the challenge of perfecting the recipes.

Any way you look at it, maintaining a  weight   loss  diet is hard work. But it doesn't have to be difficult. Simply frying less, eating more fruit and vegetables, reducing meat portions and spicing up your  weight   loss  super foods with natural spices will make dieting much easier.