4 Mantras to Lose Weight Using the Simplest Weight - Loss System

Desire to lose weight and become thin has been one of the concerns for many people. I am no exception. I am not an obese person. I still need to lose some weight. I have set a goal for myself to lose weight to 65 Kgs. That is in proportion to my height.

If you are like me, by now, you might have experimented with dieting, followed some exercise program for losing weight but, with no satisfactory success. As for me, on the advice of one of my one well wisher, who had thoroughly studied and tested it, I had put myself on a weight loss program which is popularly known as Atkins diet program.

I scrupulously followed the weight loss program by eating low carb diet. In addition to the weight loss program, I also used to regularly exercise in the gym. I took meals only twice a day, ate only the recommended gap fillers in the intervening period. I hoped I would lose weight and become thin.

While the weight loss program did bring some success in the beginning, and I lost weight 10 kgs., which was quite a motivation for me then, yet in the course of time I regained the entire weight back. The pain of feeling hungry and being unable to eat the food of my choice, proved to be demotivating factors.

While I was wondering whether I was heading rightly in the direction of weight loss, a review published in a local magazine, of the book I Can Make you thin written by Paul McKenna caught my attention. The book claimed that by following 4 simplest principles one can lose weight and become thin. And that one is not required to deprive oneself of the foods one enjoys eating. I read the review voraciously again and again.

I, however, could not contain myself with just two page review of the book. My stronger urge to know the simplest weight loss system, and to practice the principles proclaimed therein led me to search the book in the local bookstore. Ultimately my search yielded success. The book was quite expensive when converted into Indian currency. But even more stronger was my determination to lose weight which caused me to buy the book. The book came with a pleasant surprise. It contained a self hypnosis weight-loss CD. The CD is really soothing and I experienced the additional benefit of feeling a sense of complete relaxation.

Having procured the book, I practised the principles of weight loss with all sincerity and earnestness. And listened to the self hypnosis CD regularly for some time (I continue to listen to the CD sometimes even now). The results were astounding. Without having to deprive myself of the foods that I enjoy eating, I found myself getting lighter and lighter day by day. Within approximately a month's period, I could lose 3 kg of weight.

Having been motivated by the success of the system, I decided to continue with it. The successful results which I got has motivated me to share with you here the main principles contained in the system. (If you are interested in reading the entire book and benefitting from the self-hypnosis CD which accompanies the book - I highly recommend you to do that - then go. You can download the free self-hypnosis audio trance (not necessarily relating to weight loss) In the beginning the book invites you to look at the secrets of naturally thin people and explores the three main patterns that stop people from losing weight: obsessive dieting, emotional eating and faulty programming.

Paul says : "You have simply developed some unproductive habits. The good news is that once you learn to re-programme your mind, it will be just as simple to new develop habits of thinking and acting that will guarantee your success. You don't even have to believe that it will work. Just follow my instructions and you will not only lose weight but stop obsessing about food forever."

Throughout the book there are 4 main principles to Paul McKenna's Weightloss System.

1. When You are hungry, EAT

2. EAT WHAT YOU WANT, Not What You Think You Should.

3. Eat CONSCIOUSLY and enjoy every mouthful.

4. When You Think You Are Full, STOP Eating.

Let's consider them one by one

When you are hungry, EAT. Actually this principle is twofold. Firstly eat whenever you are hungry, and secondly if you are not hungry, don't eat. Sounds simple enough, right? But that's what we tend to ignore most. We go on stuffing our stomach, whenever we see tempting food. What this principle means, in other words, is that you should respect the need of your stomach. Before you stuff it with anything (howsoever tempting it might be) take its permission.

But at the same time also respect its need to eat by judiciously determining whether it is really hungry or not. Paul explains how starving the body makes you fat and that the secret of thin people's success in maintaining their weight is that they only eat when they're genuinely hungry.

EAT WHAT YOU WANT, Not What You Think You Should. That was the most appealing part. There was no restriction by the simplest weight loss system in eating whatever I want to eat. What this means is that you can eat virtually anything that you like, provided you follow the system. I am fond of sweets. And this principle, has literally come to my rescue. Therefore this principle was a great respite for me.

What about all the healthy food we're supposed to eat and all the 'bad fats' and 'refined sugars' that we all know are so bad for us? Paul says that as soon as you deprive yourself of something you upset the natural balance of your relationship to them. Making any food 'forbidden' makes them more attractive to you. This has been explained by one of the greatest mystic of our time Osho as the law of reverse effect. The more you try to suppress a desire, the more it troubles you. In this way you will find yourself attracted to healthy food.

Eat CONSCIOUSLY and enjoy every mouthful. I remember when I attended a course in a personal development workshop, a trainer distributed a piece of chocolate to each participant and warned not to eat it without his instructions. The trainer then asked us to take the piece of chocolate out of the wrapper and to place it on the right-hand palm. He then asked us to look at the chocolate and to observe its colour, feel its texture, size, shape and smoothness. After allowing us to do this for a few minutes, he then asked us to slowly take the piece of chocolate and to put it in our mouths and to feel the rush of the saliva, at the moment it touched our tongues. Very slowly I bit into the piece of chocolate and cut it in two pieces. The chocolate mixed and melted in the flow of saliva so naturally and emitted its fragrant flavour. It was a beautiful feeling. We were strictly instructed not to have second bite till the first one completely goes down into the stomach through food canal. I could feel the chocolate go down to my stomach and I could feel a sense of great satisfaction. Before we were allowed to take a second bite, the teacher asked how many participants felt the satisfaction of having eaten two chocolates instead of one. Almost all the participants, including myself, raised their hands.

That's what Paul wants us to do. Stop. Eat slowly, eat without distraction (TV, newspaper, magazine etc). Really TASTE your food. This helps your body to break down the food (saliva) and increases your feeling of satiety (you feel fuller and more satisfied). This principle is about savouring your food and not wolfing it down. You know how you can open a bar of chocolate and the next thing you know it's gone? You can barely even remember eating? Honestly, this tip is the one that had the biggest impact on me.

When You Think You Are Full, STOP Eating.Since my childhood I have been programmed by the family elders to always clean up my plate by eating each and every particle contained in it. In our society it is considered bad manners to leave uneaten food in the plate. No. Paul says - leave something on your plate (even if it's just a couple of chips) so you get into the habit of not clearing your plate. If you're full, stop eating. If you're hungry later - eat later. It really does make sense.

We're so programmed to clear our plates and only respond to the bloated 'full' feeling that we actually carry on eating way after we're actually full. Paul explains how to measure your hunger on the hunger scale, to avoid waiting until you're ravenous to eat and how to feel whether you're full or not and how to resign from the 'clean plate club'. This really hit me. Why not clear my plate?

You may test the above four principles for weight loss and see the results for yourself. All the best.