5 Secret New Weight Loss Tips Revealed

Lots of people would have made the New Year resolution to lose weight. Many would have tried old  weight   loss  advice with no effect. So what are the  weight   loss  experts advising for 2011?

Here are the top 5 Secrets in  weight   loss  for 2011. For the most effective way to lose weight you should do them all.
Secret #1: Learn When Your Body Needs Food

Most people after a long day reward themselves with a big meal. However this is the worst time to eat a lot of food. Your body needs energy and calories in the beginning of the day to get you going and not for sleeping at night.

It's better to eat your bigger meals in the morning and the smallest meal late at night. It's also better to split 3 big meals into 6 small meals as it maintains energy and fuel in the body.
Secret #2: Learn To Celebrate Yourself

Experts are saying this is vital to losing weight. It sounds crazy but you need to accept your body and celebrate it just the way it is. You should do this by wearing nice things.

You shouldn't wait until you've reached the slim body you want. Experts say you a more likely to reach your goal if you celebrate your body now as you are more likely to treat it with respect if you appreciate it.
Secret #3: Slow Down

Chew your food and slow down. We're all guilty of eating too fast and this is a big no if you want to lose weight. By slowing down you will give your body time to recognize it is full. This will mean you eat less food and consume fewer calories.
Secret #4: Always Be Prepared

Experts claim that most people slip up and chose bad food because they are convenient. When you're hungry it's much easier to stop at a fast food place or reach for the cookies out at work than to prepare a healthy meal.

Instead you should always have a healthy snack to hand. This will make it much easier for you to make the right food choice.
Secret #5: Join The Best 2011 Diet Plans

It has been proven that this is the best way to lose weight as you are much more likely to fail if you try and do it on your own. These professional diet programs offer all the latest expert advice to guarantee you succeed.

They usually come with a step-by-step manual that does all the hard work of planning a diet for you. The best part is you will be joining thousands of other people who are joining these diets so you will have plenty of encouragement.

Make sure you read a little about each diet so you make sure you pick the right one for you.