Calorie Shifting Diet Plans - How Do They Work, and Are They Effective?

Those of us who diet get very excited, especially since diets are actually one of the best methods to help us lose the extra pounds. We always seem to be drawn to diets that claim that they can help us shed 5 pounds or even more in 7 days or so. Yet, these questions remain:

  • But, do any of these dieting plans actually prove effective?
  • Is it truly possible to start losing weight in as little as 7 days?
  • Are there any adverse effects on your health in doing it this way?
To be honest and to answer these questions frankly, there are loads of diet programs out there that purport to help you shed the extra pounds, but many of them do not stand up to any significant scrutiny.
There are some dieting plans that are healthy, but many of them are "crash diets," and therefore not beneficial to your health. It is wise for you to stay alert and be diligent in researching which diet plan you believe can work best for you.

But, to save yourself some time in researching dieting plans, most any diet plan that is based on the concept of "calorie shifting" principles are perhaps the most effective and beneficial to your health. They indeed do help you lose weight fast while at the same time not acting in a way that is harmful to your body.
In the past couple of years, the most popular, most affordable, and most beneficial of the calorie shifting diets is the "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" program. This particular diet program shows the evidence as to why other diets are fairly unhealthy, and Fat Loss 4 Idiots is very effective because it has proven itself to be a dieting method which helps you rapidly lose your extra pounds based on a purely scientific plan.

The more common diet plans that you may be familiar with work with the premises of lowering calories by altering your eating habits for an indeterminate amount of time. This supposedly aids in weight loss.
The problem is however, in most cases, you begin to gain weight afterwords, even if you closely and methodically implement the procedures recommended. What most diet plans do not tell you is this is a natural reaction of the human body, as the human body just works in this way - when given an allotted time period, the metabolism adapts itself to your eating habits, whether it be carbs, fats and/or proteins - even the mere quantity of food can affect the metabolism greatly.

Your particular metabolic rate directly determines how fast you melt fat, and how much fat you can lose. If your metabolism is active, then you will be able to lose weight much faster. If your metabolic rate is slow, then the your speed of losing weight will also be slower.

Here is the secret irony that most people who try to diet: If you decrease the amount of food you eat, the metabolism slows down in direct relation. In other words, if you eat less, your metabolism slows down considerably; therefore, most of these diets do not work because they decrease food intake and render any weight loss plan ineffective. If you make a mistake, and cheat on your diet for only one day, the result would inevitably be weight gain, because your metabolic rate has been slowed down, and burning fat is nearly impossible.

Because there is proven and scientific data backing up the claims of calorie shifting diets, they are easily more effective, easier to implement, and have a high success rate. Calorie shifting plans require rotating the meal cycle, which is necessary in order to stabilize the high metabolic rate consistently. When the metabolic rate is higher, calories and fat can more effectively be burned. These diets encourage the variation in the food choices you make while dieting. Calorie shifting allows you to change the types of food you eat on a weekly basis, so you eat a new food group each week, adding variety to the routine.

In this manner, your diet changes weekly, and you do not need to stick to the same bland, boring food the whole time you are dieting - instead, you simply need to shift the calorie count week to week, as you enjoy the foods you always eat. Because you are using this process of calorie shifting, your metabolic rate increases, thus increasing the speed of weight loss, the amount of fat burned, and the success rate of keeping the weight off for good.