Diet Review - Importance of Fats in the Body

With any reduction in the diet it is important to consume the correct fats, which are mono-saturated and polyunsaturated fats that are contained in olive oil products and sunflower oils etc. The trouble is that many people believe that all fats should disappear from a diet in order to lose fat in the body. The truth is that if the body consumes the correct fats, such as those from oily fish and healthy olive oil spreads, the body can work much more efficiently to burn the bad fats in the body.

Any weight loss programme can receive a boosted help from the best diet pills, and many are listed on the diet pill review websites. Many of these contain ingredients, which help the body to burn fat naturally through thermogenesis, which heats the body up and is what the body naturally undergoes when food is consumed and digested by the body.

Saturated fats must be avoided and these are contained in junk food, such as biscuits, crisps, pastries, and fried food, to name just a few. Obviously, it is difficult to follow a strict diet, which does not contain saturated fat, so instead, try to eat healthily 80% of the time. Polyunsaturated and mono-saturated fats are essential fats, which the body requires. Hydrogenated/saturated fats are bad for the body and are actual liquid fats that have been re-hardened and then added to foods to add taste and texture.

For anyone suffering from high blood pressure, following a diet high in mono-saturated fats can help to increase the HDL beneficial cholesterol that the body requires, and reduce the LDL dangerous cholesterols, which can cause heart disease and high blood pressure. Mono-saturated fats are contains in a large variety of nuts as well as pumpkin, linseeds, and sunflower seeds. They are also contained in rapeseed, hazelnut, and olive oil. Polyunsaturated oils are found in safflower, walnut, and sunflower oils. Each of these oils boosts heart health. Oily fish, such as mackerel, tuna, and salmon, contains mono-saturated fats and omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids, which are necessary for the body. Omega 3 essential fatty acids also help to regulate the metabolic rate and shrinks fat tissues stored in the body. This boosts heart health and reduces coronary heart disease and obesity. Pumpkin seed contain good amounts of omega 3 essential fatty acids.

Omega 6 essential fatty acids are contained in sunflower oils and are important for the health of the skin as well as offering anti-inflammatory benefits. In the essential fatty acid family there is also Omega 9, which is contained in borage oil and boosts the heart health of the body by reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke. Peanut butter and almond butters contain mono-saturated oils and protein, which helps to make the body feel fuller for longer, and gets to work on burning the bad fats in the body. A great way to consume essential fatty acids is to have two tablespoons of mixed seeds every single day. They could be sprinkled on cereal or eaten alone. They can also be sprinkled on stir-frys.

A good diet that contains essential fatty acids can be useful to use with some of the best diet pills out there, which are listed at diet pill review websites. There are varieties of effective dietary pills that can help you reach your ideal body weight, many of which raise the metabolism naturally and contain natural ingredients.