Learning About The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean  diet  is one of the world's most famous  diets , and it is a  diet  in the sense that it is an integral part of the countries of Spain, Italy, Greece, and countries in North Africa. We are going to talk about various food types in the  diet .

The staple fats for the North Africans are sheep fat, butter, and olive oil. It is interesting to note that aside from olive oil, the other fats are from animals.

As far as carbohydrate consumption, the key part of the  diet  is to have unrefined carbohydrates. This ensures that all parts of the grains are eaten, and fiber is included. Beans or lentils are also a big part of the  diet . Finally, fresh fruit is integral.

As far as meat, red meat is consumed lightly, and fish and chicken are slightly more favored. In contradiction to  diets  like the paleo  diet , dairy is a part of the  diet  with yogurt, cheese, and milk being consumed in moderate quantities. However, traditionally, these dairy sources were not contaminated with hormones or other problems associated with modern dairy practices.

There is an emphasis on small portions, and daily activity of some type. Remember, the Mediterranean  diet  is not simply a way to lose weight, it is the traditional lifestyle of the peoples of the area. This  diet  was first brought to attention as part of a comparative study called the Seven Countries Study which studied people in the regions of the US, Northern and Southern Europe and Japan.