Secret Revealed - The Lemonade Diet (aka the Master Cleanse Diet) Exposed

If You Got Lemons, Why Not Make Lemonade?

The lemonade  diet , otherwise known as the Master Cleanse  diet , is a popular and easy method to lose weight quickly. The  diet  is simple and easy to follow. It is a  diet  that cleanses your system and should be followed for at least ten days but no more than forty days. It is supposed to be a short term  diet  that flushes out your system to help clean out toxins and boost weight loss.

3 Simple Steps

The lemonade  diet  has three simple parts to it. In the morning when you wake up, begin by drinking a salt-water mix. During the day, you drink the special lemonade recipe listed below. In the evenings, you drink a laxative tea. Aside from these special drink mixes, the only other thing participants may drink is pure water or mint tea.

Making Lemonade is Easy, The  Diet  Itself May Not Be

The lemonade  diet  takes a lot of control and restraint. Having a support group will greatly increase your chances of success. It is recommended that you begin by trying to stick with the  diet  for ten days. If you have success with that, try boosting the  diet  up a few days the next time around. This  diet  is not something you should do all of the time. It is recommended to follow a regular  diet  for three to six months in between cleanses. The longer you are on the lemonade  diet , the more time you should take in between cleanses.

The Special Lemonade Mix Recipe:

2 Tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice (organic lemons are recommended)
1/10 Tablespoon cayenne pepper
2 Tablespoons of pure maple syrup (no sugar added)

Combine these three ingredients in a ten ounce cup and fill to the top with water. It is very important to try to drink six to twelve glasses of this a day in order to reach your daily calorie intake. There are 100 calories in two tablespoons of pure maple syrup and 8 calories in the lemon juice. By drinking 11 to 12 glasses, this ensures you reach your daily recommended caloric intake or 1200 calories. Drink pure water as well whenever possible to prevent dehydration.

It Does Work, Just Pay Close Attention

Possible side effects of the lemonade  diet  may include headaches, nausea and fatigue. This is normal, and is often termed "the healing crisis" as your body is removing long standing toxins from the system. Learning to sustain yourself on a liquid  diet  will be very difficult at first. Hunger pains are common. A detox is a huge change in eating behavior. It is recommended that you ask physician about the  diet  before beginning. Dieters on medication or with high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, diabetes, or depression should definitely consult a physician first.

Beyond the Lemonade  Diet  - Using Weight Loss Pals to Help