Six Money Saving Tips To Following A Paleo Diet On A Budget

Paleo  diet  on a budget

Paleo  diet  is perhaps the healthiest form of nutrition that was consumed by our ancestors hundreds of years ago. At that time, probably consuming natural and organic foods made more sense as no other options were available. However, after all of our developments, people are reverting back to a Paleolithic  diet  (AKA caveman  diet ) for a number of reasons:

  • Our ancestors were much healthier and had a longer survival than most of us today. This is primarily because the cavemen  diet  comprised of totally organic and natural ingredients free from chemicals and preservatives.
  • Individuals who consume are less likely to suffer from chronic medical health issues. Moreover, the caveman  diet  keeps you more physically and mentally fit and active.

As a rule, this particular type of  diet  is a little more costly than most other  diets  today. The reason this  diet  lifestyle is generally more costly is because:

Organic or grass-fed beef or meat is more expensive than commercial meat that is grown in farms and factories under the influence of drugs, artificial chemical and hormones that boost the growth of animal artificially. Similarly free range poultry and farm-raised chickens are more expensive than a processed and refined pasta or cereals.

Six Money Saving Tips To Following A Paleo  Diet  On A Budget:
Following these 6 tips may help you stick to your paleo  diet , while still on budget.

1. Bulk shopping:

Always choose a wholesale market for grocery shopping and buy commodities in bulk. This obviously does not include fish products or vegetables and fruits. Food commodities that can be bought in bulk are:

  • Olive oil, for which you can buy a gallon each time.
  • Meat and meat products (if you buy in bulk, you will get different cuts and types that will give variety to your meals. You will also be able to see the environment and sanitation of the farm and how animals are kept there.
  • Bird (like chicken, duck) but the rule is to cook the full bird at a time, without freezing as it will kill the aim of consuming Paleo  diet .

2. Visiting a farmer's market:

For fresh fruits and vegetables, go to local farmer's market. You will not only get more fresh fruits and vegetables but also at much cheaper rates than most grocery stores.

3. Plantation in your own yard:

You can also maintain your own little farm by growing seasonal vegetables and fruits in your yard. You can always get the seeds from local nursery and enjoy fresh and totally organic, budget friendly paleo  diet  from your own yard.

4. Home-made dressing:

Commercial dressings are normally avoided by most consumers of paleo  diet  due to unhealthy unsaturated fatty acids. However, to improve the palatability of your meals, you can prepare mouth-watering dressings at home using organic lemon juice, vinegar, yogurt, balsamic vinegar, egg whites and your favorite herbs.

5. Hunting and Fishing:

This tip may not help a lot of you, but since most people are fond of fishing and hunting, you can always use your hobby for cutting the cost of your paleo  diet . You will get fresh and 100% organic (mother Nature maintained, absolutely free meals).

6. Buy in-season and on-sale foods:

Stay up to date with ongoing sales in your area and utilize fully the sales and price- cuts. Similarly, in season vegetables and fruits are always cheaper and healthier than off-season fruits.

I hope following these six simple tips will help you to achieve all the health and nutritional benefits of Paleo  diet  on a budget friendly basis.