Weight Loss and Motherhood - 3 Tips on How to Achieve Your Goal

A huge part of many women's lives is spent on making plans for weight loss. From our mid-teen years through adulthood, we critique our bodies, weigh ourselves and conclude that we need to lose weight. We also spend a vast amount of time daydreaming about how life would be if we were thin. Few women are as passionate about weight loss as mothers.

In this article we will discuss 3 tips to help mothers to attain their goal weight. Specifically we will examine what type of weight loss plan should be followed, how to plan meals, and how to create the grocery list.

After baby arrives, most women find bulges that weren't there before, and a general gain in body weight that drives them to find a weight loss program. However, mother-hood has its own challenges when it comes to dieting.

Babies, toddlers and children are presented to us with built-in 'time-sucking machines'! Working or not, moms are on the go from sun-up till bedtime.

Meals are more or less thrown together, or skipped entirely because of other more important chores to tend to, or we are just too tired to plan and cook a full meal. The following tips should help moms in their quest for weight loss and provide a basis for eating healthy foods.

Choosing a Weight Loss Plan

I am sure that all of you are aware of the growing epidemic of 'childhood obesity' and the effect it has on children that will stay with them throughout adulthood. This single fact makes healthy meals more important than ever.

Mothers control what the family eats by virtue of what meals they serve. It only makes sense that moms choose a diet of healthy foods that the entire family can benefit from.

Eating healthy food is the role model you want for your children. Not only do moms control the food consumed by the family but children also learn from what they see. If mom skips breakfast, has fast food for lunch and eats a huge dinner, guess what? That is what the children will do as they grow older.

I highly recommend implementing a diet of healthy foods that every one will enjoy.

Menu Planning

Plan on spending an hour a week menu planning. Organizing your meal planning will not only make for good meals, but will also take the 'chore' out of cooking.

The meal plan should include breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts for seven days. Remember the key words when meal planning: Healthy Foods.

As an example, dinners can include stir-fry, pasta primavera, and BBQ. All of these are healthy, low cal and good. Use your imagination, and remember variety is the spice of life!

Making the Grocery List

When shopping once a week for groceries it is easy to buy fresh foods as opposed to canned or pre-made items. You will be amazed at how many calories you omit when shopping 'fresh' and by how much more energetic you will feel.

Use the menu plan to make your grocery list. The list should include fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and meat. Buy plain cereal that can be enhanced by sliced bananas or other fruit.

Do not buy high sugar content cereals, cookies or candies; the kids don't need it, and you do not need the temptation.

Snacks can range from healthy smoothies to fruits. Look on the Internet or in magazines for low cal healthy desserts. There are tons of them out there that are divine, and good for you and your weight loss plan.

Following these tips should result in weight loss for mom, and a much healthier and happier family.