Weight Loss - Basic Principles

Headlines such as "Guaranteed  weight   loss ", "Lose  weight  permanently" and "Amazing new diet" regularly appear in magazines, newspaper ads and the internet. The products they are advertising do work for some people but don't work in the long term for many others. There are some basic principles to  weight   loss  that are guaranteed to work for most people but they often forget them in their search for the magic formula that doesn't involve any effort or any change in lifestyle. (There are some people who don't come into this category because of hormonal or physical issues but they are in the minority.)

Those basic principles do involves some effort but they will give an ongoing result that will last. Eat the right types of foods, the right amount of food and get enough exercise. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to quantify those statements and, whilst there is plenty of information around it can be easy to be put off because there is so much information and some of it is conflicting.

Start off with a few simple things that should give you the most effective results.

Eat the right foods. This means you reduce your intake of fried foods, ready meals and take aways. Swap white bread and rice for brown varieties. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Drink about 1.5 litres of water a day. Replace biscuits and crisps with dried fruit.

Eat the right amount of food. This will vary depending on your height, body type and the amount of exercise you get. If you're female then don't put as much on your plate as you do for a man because you don't need as many calories. Use smaller plates so you can't fit as much onto the plate.

Get some exercise. Do at least 20 minutes of exercise 3 times a week. You don't have to join a gym or go jogging. Find an activity that you can enjoy or that you can fit into your every day life. You could walk the children to school rather than go in the car, take stairs instead of lifts, do some simple exercises whilst you are watching TV rather than just sitting down.

You could join a  weight   loss  support group to get recommendations for healthy eating and also support from other people who want the same as you.

Finally, don't give up if you have a few lapses. You don't have to be perfect! It's better to put on a few pounds and then lose them again than to put on a few pounds and give up so that you keep putting on the pounds.

If you like the idea of losing weight but you don't think you have the motivation or you don't believe you can do it visit a hypnotherapist. They will help you to address those thoughts, get rid of any old beliefs and increase your motivation. Hypnotherapy also helps your slimmer self become more of an achievable reality. You could listen to hypnosis CDs but individual sessions with a hypnotherapist are usually the most effective way of using hypnotherapy for  weight   loss .