Detox Diet Tips - Top 5 Benefits Of a Healthy Detox Diet

Embarking on a natural and healthy detox diet is not something that you need to do for the rest of your life, but if you can follow something like a 3 or 7 day detox program every 2 or 3 months, your body will thank you for it in many ways you never thought possible.

Here's some of the more noticeable benefits you can look forward to:

Better Sleep

Alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine drinks all interfere with sleep patterns and can cause insomnia. As these should all be eliminated during your detox, you will begin to have a better night's sleep.

Also, you will not be eating highly processed junk foods that tend to be high in fat and difficult to digest, especially if they are eaten late at night.

Regular exercise and many of the complementary and relaxation therapies, chamomile or valerian tea, all of which are recommended while detoxing, will also help you to sleep.

Increased Energy

Fatigue can be made worse by not eating the right foods and therefore not getting enough nutrients to promote sustained energy and vitality. Maintaining good nutrition by eating a wide variety of foods, combined with more sleep and a better ability to cope with stress through complementary relaxation techniques, will all help to banish tiredness and replenish your energy levels.

Easy Weight Loss

A detox diet is not essentially designed to be a weight-reducing diet. However, because you are choosing healthy foods (whole grains, low-fat protein foods and plenty of fruit and vegetables), and cutting out foods that are high in fat and sugar, as well as alcohol, you will naturally consume fewer calories and are therefore likely to lose some weight. A slimmer, more toned figure results from cutting out foods that are high in fat and sugar.

Also, gentle but regular exercise will encourage weight loss as well as improving muscle tone.

Reduction of Cellulite

Some women also notice a reduction in the appearance of cellulite, although there's no sound scientific evidence to support the claim that cellulite is actually caused by a build up of toxins, and therefore by following a detox diet the appearance of cellulite can be reduced or removed.

Cellulite has a dimpled, orange-peel-like appearance on the skin and can affect women's thighs, buttocks and upper arms - even if you are slim. The female hormone estrogen is responsible for women acquiring fat in these areas, and because it is stored just under the skin, it can affect its appearance. Many naturopaths and beauticians claim that a diet high in processed and refined foods and low in fruit and vegetables can be to blame for causing cellulite.

Certainly a low-fat natural detox diet that includes plenty of fruit and vegetables may help to reduce it, and regular exercise will definitely help too. Dry skin brushing and massage treatments can also help to improve the appearance of cellulite.

Improved Long Term Diet

Although certain foods and drinks are restricted temporarily while following a natural detoxification program, the basic principles of the healthy detox diet should help you to kick bad habits and adopt a pattern of healthy eating that you will be able to maintain afterwards. Believe it or not, once your body gets used to not having those high carb, high sugar and high fat foods, your cravings will disappear.

It is important to remember that a restrictive diet is not recommended as a continued or long-term eating plan, as ultimately everybody's will power gives way at some point - even the most determined of us.