Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips

Obesity is becoming a vast problem in today's society and because of this general good health is on the decline. If you are looking for easy ways to quickly loss weight with proven results the information on the web today is so vast it can be too much and prevent you deciding on which road to take.

Diets such as Atkins, South Beach, Low Fat and Low Carb make the choice of which one to follow extremely difficult as some even conflict the other. Following these sorts of diets can also be stressful and costly.

Due to the fact that each of us is different a diet which works for one person may not work for another. The good news is that easy weight loss can be obtained without having to first digest details about calorie deprivation, rules and other technical sorts of stuff.

Body Genetics

We are all built differently and it is important to remember this before dieting. Some of us are short and broad whilst other are much thinner and a lot taller. Other people have naturally big hips and broad shoulders, whilst the more fortunate amongst us have a more muscular physique. Genetics pre-determine what your shape is going to be as much as they do your hair color and tone of skin.

The goods news about genetic body makeup is that it does not decide for you whether or not you are going to be a fat person or not. The majority of us are not going to look like a hollywood superstar whether male or female but your real aim should be to achieve and retain a weight that you feel comfortable at and where you have that feel good factor.

Some common reasons for being overweight

1. metabolism: Overweight people find it hard to burn calories resulting in fat storage.

2. Emotional eating: Eating because of the way you feel is a sure way to put on way as you are not eating due to hunger.

3. Imbalance in the hormones.

4. Bigger than necessary portions. You need to listen to your body.

5. Eating lots of diet foods (might sound weird but its true)

6. Toxins that are created throughout your body can reduce the ability to reduce weight.

7. Late night meals do not allow for calorie burn off and therefore excess fat is stored in the body.

8. Missing out the most important meal of the day - Breakfast.

9. Becoming a diet jumper: Going from one diet to another has a negative impact on the metabolism and causes weightloss to be much more difficult.

10. Ingredients in food: The reasons why are amazing and beyond the scope of this article.

Some Quick Weight Loss Tips For Your To Digest

Now that you have a better understanding of how body genetics determine certain things and some ideas as to why people are generally overweight, here are the tips to easy and quick weight loss:

1: Drink water when you get up: First thing, drink 8 ounces of distilled water, bottled water, or filtered water (not tap water).

2: Continue to drink distilled water throughout the day: 8 glasses is the recommended amount.

3. Have a big breakfast: this kick starts your metabolism. Include some of the following at breakfast time to give you a headstart - apples, bananas, rye bread with no sugar, plain yogurt, tuna, lamb, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, raw honey, wild smoked salmon, and so on.

4: Do a colon cleanse: This will clean your digestive system to help it work better as this tends to be clogged and not work efficiently in people who are overweight. For more information speak to your physician.

5: Walking an hour a day: Try to fit it a continuous and brisk walk every day, in the morning or lunch time or when you get in at night.

6: 6 O'Clock Stop: Do not eat after this time in the evening if at all possible. Stick as close to this as you can.

7: Do a candida cleanse: A yeast overgrowth in your colon that causes health issues. Check out online for "Candida Cleanse" or go to your local health food store.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article more and more adults, and children, are becoming overweight and obese which can have massive effects on both emotional health and longevity. However, there is hope for those of you struggling. You can shed the weight and more importantly keep it off if you really want to.

With a better understanding of genetics and the little steps you can take to improve things, as long as you take action today you will start to see results to spur you on to greater achievements.