A Simple, Natural Detoxification Diet

Why do we need to detoxify our body?
Our environmental is full of toxins; the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat and so on. And coupled that with busy working life that most people that are leading, humans tends to have a poor eating  diet  and little exercise. Hence, humans are somehow trapped in a vicious cycle of health hazard. Fortunately humans are born with a natural immunology system that helps fight any dangerous toxins or bacteria in the body. Humans are also blessed with organs that helps detoxify our body such as liver, kidney and colon. However, it is vital for us to protect these organs from overloading or overburdening to a point where these organs are starting to weaken and ultimately fail to work.

Preparing a Detoxification  Diet 
Thus it is important for us to adopt a healthy and natural detoxification  diet  that could help flush out toxins from our body. We need to help our other organs to fight the invasion of toxins in our body. Preparing a detoxification  diet  is certainly not difficult. However, our typical daily  diet  preparation method are mostly deep-frying, grilling and other unhealthy methods that tends to destroy the natural nutrients that presents in the food. Besides that, these cooking method also resulted with food with high fat, because we tends to use a lot of oil. That is why during a detoxification  diet , we need use other healthier cooking method like steaming, boiling or even eating the food raw! Some of these detoxification recipes also carefully chooses ingredients that specifically have detoxifying properties.

Emphasize a Vegetarian and High Fiber  Diet 
When we talk about detoxification  diet , we are not only getting rid of toxins from our body but also giving our internal detoxification organ such as colon and liver a good rest. By having more meatless  diet  during body cleansing  diet , our digestive system would not work too hard digesting the food. When having a vegetarian  diet , we also need to ensure that the vegetables that we use for cooking are thoroughly washed with clean water in case these vegetables are not pesticide-free. If possible, try use organic vegetables when preparing our detoxification  diet . Besides that it is important to increase our fiber intake by eating more food that has high fiber content. These foods includes fruits such as apples, grapes and bananas. By having high fiber content food, it can help stimulate our intestinal peristalsis, hence prevent constipation and eventually helps ridding the toxic waste from our body. This would help promote a healthy colon and ultimately prevent colon related cancer that is so prevalent, especially among American males.

Avoid using Artificial Flavors or Colors
Natural detoxification  diet  also mean not using any seasoning or coloring that are artificial. It is of course very tempting to use these additives in our cooking but consuming too much of them may increase the risk of cancer. Although these additives or flavoring are approved by any food regulatory board, we still do not know what is the long term effect of consuming them. Best of all is try to concoct your own seasoning using natural ingredients. Some of the ingredients that you can use are Miso, a type of fermented soy beans that are of Japanese origin, vinegar, ginger, black mushroom, Chinese wolf berries and many more.