Body Building Routines - Muscle Building Diet

When we think of starting a body building routine most of us think of lifting weights. We focus on what we are going to do in the gym - how much weight we will lift and how much cardio we will do.  Diet  is often an afterthought. It shouldn't be though. Your  diet  is just as important as the workouts you are doing if you plan to achieve any level of success as a weight lifter, bodybuilder or simply in becoming healthier.

If your goal is to build muscle then you need to eat the right kinds of foods. You will make much better use of your time in the gym if you are fueling your body with the proper nutrients.

All of the foods that you eat will contain macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Your fat intake should be about 20% of your total. The fats that you eat should be of the mono and polyunsaturated kinds. Not saturated or trans fats.

Larger quantities of proteins are needed to help build muscle mass. Proteins should be about 30 to 40% of your daily intake. Quality protein comes from lean beef, chicken, fish and egg whites.

Carbohydrates make up the rest of your nutritional intake. These should be about 50 to 60% of your muscle building  diet . You want the mainstay of your carbs to be complex and starchy carbs. Vegetables, oats, brown rice, whole grain foods, etc. Foods such as those made with refined flour and sugars should be avoided. These include snack foods, cookies, cakes, white bread, desserts, etc. Stick with the good carbs.

A comprehensive body building routine with a muscle building  diet  involves how and when you eat as much as it does what you eat. You should be eating 5 to 6 small meals a day. Each meal should be broken down into the percentages listed above: 50% to 60% carbs, 30% to 40% proteins and 20% fats. This will feed your body a constant source of nutrients to help get you through your workouts as well as repair muscle breakdown during your rest periods.

If you truly want to develop a physique to be proud of it is critical that you work on your dietary habits as much as you do in the gym. Weight lifting and cardio are only part of the picture. A muscle building  diet  is the final piece of the puzzle.