Diet Vs Exercise - How to Lose Weight

It should be noted that a proper diet is undoubtedly the first step we should take when we intend to lose weight. Any diet that we follow, no matter how appropriate, presents an innate deficiency that is demonstrated by how it acts on our body.

To clarify this assertion first we need to know how diets work. When we start a  weight   loss  program, we will likely notice results after a certain period of time. This decrease is comprised primarily of pounds from the loss of glycogen and water. That is, we're reducing the liquid mass is the body that makes up 70% of our weight. Therefore the reduction of the numbers on the scale is real. However, in most cases despite the decrease in weight, fat continuous at steady levels or has little variation.

Such an approach is the greatest deficiency in dieting and the consequences of this approach begin to appear in the medium and long term. Since our bodies have a tendency to easily retrieve liquid mass, eventually we will find it more difficult to shed pounds and body mass. Reaching our desired weight will become more difficult and if we abandon the diet because of this trend, you're likely to return to your weight.

 Weight   loss  without loss of fat also brings about another problem; the aesthetic. In many cases due to the reduction of tissue beneath the skin, the body is in a state of laxity and even if we weigh less , we aren't very happy with our new image that we see in the mirror.

Generally physical exercises take longer to influence body weight. Most people know of this difficulty and therefore prefer to rely exclusively on their  weight   loss  diets. Physical activity implies an availability of time not everybody has or perhaps an additional expense of buying exercise equipment or joining a gym.

Such obstacles are causing many of us to discontinue the use of exercise as a tool in our  weight   loss  goals and, as such, we are losing a very important ally to shedding excess  weight . Physical activity causes the body to release fat more easily than liquid mass and additionally provides assurances that the weight that is lost is not recovered quickly. It also tones the muscles as you lose fat which will ensure you avoid the post  weight   loss  flabby effect.

So it's really not a question of diet vs. exercise. The combination of the two is the best option for healthy and permanent  weight   loss . And although it may be difficult to incorporate physical activity into our daily routines, we stand better chance at it when we become aware that there is no magic solution to losing weight. Losing permanent weight requires becoming healthy and the only way to do that is through a steady change in lifestyle.