Garcinia Cambogia - Does It Really Work?

Like it or not, we are living in a pill-to-cure-the-problem society. This is especially apparent when it comes to finding the magic formulation that will result in effortless  weight   loss .

Garcinia Cambogia, which contains the active ingredient (-)-hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, is one such botanical supplement that is sold to the population with the promise of incredible body fat reduction.

But, does it really offer the kinds of results that advertising would have you believe?

Let's see.

Surprisingly, garcinia cambogia, also known as tamarind fruit, has been hanging around the  weight   loss  block for quite a number of years. With that kind of longevity it is easy to believe that it must work.

To begin with, we have animal studies that have shown promising results in the  weight   loss  department, which is great if you happen to own an overweight rat.

Unfortunately, when animal models show positive results, with or without apparent toxicologial issues, the race begins. This kind of knee-jerk reaction is simply indicative of the typical sprint that manifests itself when everybody and their uncle tries to be the first to market with a new miracle solution. This rush takes on a whole new dynamic when the initial animal studies just happen to be corroborated by positive results from a human-based study. Then it's a frenzy.

Scientific logic dictates that one positive study does not make a proof. It's a good start, but the results need to be confirmed by being replicated in follow-up independent and peer-reviewed studies. Generally speaking, if there is a strong coherent trend in favor of the positive results a substance is designed to elicit, we might have something.

However, if the research is playing table tennis with the results showing no clear direction in terms of outcomes, one has to question if the substance has any value in terms of what it is supposed to do.

As such, how can supplement sellers call garcinia cambogia the most potent  weight   loss  product on the market today when the body of independent human research is showing ambiguity, at best?

It makes no sense.

Of course, we cannot discount some of research that has produced data pointing towards a positive influence on fat reduction from HCA usage. However, many of the results are based on products that are comprised of multiple-ingredient formulations of which (-)-hydroxycitric acid (garcinia cambogia) is only one part, making it difficult to establish the effectiveness of the individual components.

And even if the substance appears to have an effect on fat dynamics, some data shows that it might be only for a limited duration of a few weeks, with the magnitude of the effect appearing to be small. In addition, study results seem to hint that its only real value may come about as part of preventive strategy to offset  weight  gain or regain in humans, but not necessarily for  weight   loss .

So, we have to wonder what exactly all the fuss is about.

One of the bigger issues that the consumer has to deal with is the lack of credible information from viable sources in the marketplace concerning apparent miracle substances like garcinia cambogia. In many cases, a search of the Internet reveals that many of the so-called articles on garcinia cambogia are really sales pages that are written by individuals who just happen to be selling the actual substance they are reporting on. This demonstrates that a possible bias is influencing the slant of the article and contributing to the overall hyped-up buzz.

Contrary to what advertising is attempting to make people believe, there appears to be a good amount of real research demonstrating the ineffectiveness of garcinia cambogia, enough to shed more than just a little doubt on its real value when it comes to appetite suppression and  weight   loss  in humans.

Ultimately, with inconsistent or negative results in research circles on humans, it puts into question the veracity of the claims made about the miraculous fat-burning effect attributed to garcinia cambogia. It also points towards the danger associated with the transference of effect from animal to human models. For instance, it's possible that garcinia cambogia in high concentrations can help Zucker rats to avoid gaining weight, which looks promising for humans, but it might also lead to testicular atrophy in said rats. How's that looking for the human now?

On the toxicity front, there is data demonstrating that garcinia cambogia appears to be safe for human consumption. However, there have been case reports of toxicity issues that point towards the notion that it might not be as innocuous as many might be inclined to believe. As such, prudence dictates that long term health implications need to be studied before a definitive conclusion can be drawn about garcinia cambogia's safety for human consumption.

In the final analysis, it appears that the outrageous claims and far-fetched promises concerning garcinia cambogia's influence as a potent fat burning substance are difficult to justify, especially when they are married with the assurance that the user's  weight   loss  will be effortless, or can be achieved without a proper attention to diet and exercise.

As with all  weight   loss  substances, it would be wise to wait for definitive and coherent long-term research on garcinia cambogia from reputable scientific journals before taking the plunge.

If you are still sold on the idea of using this particular  weight   loss  aid, please consult with your doctor to see if it is right for you, especially if you are under medication for health issues.

Ultimately, adopting a healthy eating lifestyle and a balanced exercise program is a better approach.

Copyright © Daniel Eamer