How to Lose 40 Pounds in 4 Months - A Plan For Those Ready to Lose Weight

This article outlines what you need to do to lose 40 pounds in 4 months. I think it is important to note that losing 10 pounds a month can be done in a healthy way yet results like this will not come without your effort and participation. Having said that, if you are ready to get the pounds off then this article was written for you, please read on.

Lose 40 Pounds in 4 Months

1. Bigger changes and motivation. In order to lose this weight you will need to make significant changes in your eating and exercise (see below) however when you take these actions you will see the results on the scale and this will become a powerful motivator for you. In fact, research shows that people who take bigger action and get rewarded with fast results are more likely to stick with their plan.

2. Finish eating carbs early in the day. A significant part of your eating plan will involve carbohydrates yet do not be tempted to completely eliminate these important foods from your diet, instead shift them to earlier in your day. Carbohydrates are quick and easy energy foods for your body so when you eat them early in the day, a time when your energy needs are high your body uses them up efficiently. However, as the day goes on your energy needs decline. Carbohydrates eaten late in the day are more likely to be stored as fat.

3. Keep track of your intake. When you want to achieve fast  weight   loss  you must be willing to keep track of your food and drink intake. This does a couple of key things for you. First of all it gives you a baseline record that you can refer back to if your  weight   loss  slows and second it provides you with a level of accountability that research shows can double your  weight   loss . (Let's face it, it is harder to eat junk food when you know you must write it down).

4. Make exercise a priority. All exercises help your body burn more calories and you can make your exercise more efficient by adding short burst of high intensity. By alternating back and forth between periods of high pace/intensity and periods of slow pace/intensity you stimulate your fat burning metabolism and this can increase your fat burn during the day by up to 9 times. This is a great boost to your goal to lose 40 pounds in 4 months.