How to Pick a Weight Loss Routine - Useful Facts You Might Not Know

Forany  weight   loss  program to succeed, one must know exactly what causes  weight  gain in the first place. Health experts agree that eating excess calories in the form of fats and sugars is the root cause of unhealthy body fat. They are also one in saying that exercise burn off these excess fats to help individuals lose weight, among its other health benefits. Finally, they also warn that the road to getting back in shape isn't an easy one. With these facts in mind, it becomes easier to formulate a fitness regimen that would really work for you.

In essence, then, there are only three factors to consider to tailor a fitness plan for your needs: food, exercise and hard work. Let's tackle them one by one.

Research shows that natural foods are infinitely better for health and wellness. Processed varieties are already stripped of its naturally-occurring nutrients and even if they have been "fortified" with vitamins and minerals, nothing beats those that your body can enjoy with unprocessed food. Besides, if you stick with fruits, vegetables, nuts and those that have undergone little or no processing at all, you'll have those with low glycemic values that do not cause a spike in your blood sugar levels and make your metabolism go awry. Even if you don't count calories or overeat that huge plate of delicious green salad, you won't worry about slowing your metabolism and gaining excess pounds in your midsection. The bottom line? Eat a variety of fruits, especially those in season. Steam vegetables or eat them raw. Go for fish and lean parts of meat. Instead of chocolate, munch an apple or some almonds to fill you up. You'd be surprised at how light you feel with these food choices, and how your cravings for chips and cakes will have diminished significantly even if you're only days into your new healthy eating habits.

Exercise doesn't have to be made into such a big deal with costly gym memberships or home fitness equipment. All you need to complete your  weight   loss  program is to get a good pair of cross-trainers and do a brisk walk every morning. It is still the best cardio exercise that gives unparalleled  weight   loss  and health benefits. If you find walking a bore, dance! Some elderly men and women (and even the younger set) engage in ballroom dancing lessons. It's a fun way to exercise, and for couples, it keeps the "spark" alive. You're even luckier if you have a pool in your house or can go to one nearby. Not only is it a good exercise, it's virtually no-impact as well, making it a good alternative for those with joint pains or other injuries that would make other exercises dangerous. It doesn't matter what regimen you choose, what's important is you do it consistently and regularly.

Finally, don't fool yourself with any  weight   loss  program offering quick fixes. There aren't. Diet pills are dangerous and must only be used under medical supervision. Even be more wary of over-the-counter fat loss pills or herbal supplements. Most of the time, their safety hasn't been established for the long-term and herbs often have an effect on any current medication that you are taking that might render it ineffective or cause it to have adverse effects on your body. Always check with your physician if you plan to use any of these pills. Chances are, your doctor will simply tell you to sweat it out and watch what you eat.