The Best Way To Lose Weight For Exercise-Averse Women

Exercise is not everyone's cup of tea. For some women, there is no time to exercise! A few others hate it because it's an arduous task. While the remainder either cannot afford an expensive gym membership or are restricted to exercise on account of medical conditions they suffer.

If you are one of them, does this mean you will have to remain obese or overweight all your life? It's a loud, NO. You can still melt the fat and flab and get a figure to die for. Here are 4 easy methods to lose weight for women without having to step on the treadmill or having to lift weights at the gym. You can use them irrespective of whether you are medically fit or not to exercise. So, are you ready to start reading?

Ballpark Figures

It is impossible to embark on a weight loss program sans exercise without knowledge of how many calories you consume daily, how many calories you burn and how many calories you must reduce if you want to achieve your weight loss goal. You can calculate these figures using an online calculator. You can also get an estimate of these figures by working with a nutritionist or a fitness expert. Based on these figures, you should set a weight loss goal - 30 pounds in 30 days or 10 pounds in a month (these are only examples) whichever is feasible for you.

Set a Realistic Weight Loss goal

In addition to choosing the right weight loss methods, you need to approach the process with a right frame of mind. Be optimistic. 2lbs in a week is a reasonable goal to kick off your weight loss program as suddenly pushing the beyond its natural ability may backfire. Instead of setting long-term goals such as 20 pounds in 2 months, set short-term goals such as 2lbs in a week. Short-terms goals are easier to achieve and thereby keep you motivated.

It's a Food Game

If there is going to be no exercise, the burden to burn fat inevitably falls on food - your foods choices, eating habits and meal schedule.

One thing you will have to stop doing is eating out often. There are several easy to prepare meals that hardly use a few minutes as preparation time. Recipes for weight loss are available in plenty on the internet. Change the way you prepare food. Do not cook food in oils, fat or butter. Opt for boiled, baked or broiled food. For example, you can eat a boiled egg instead of a fried one. Cut your intake of sugar. Measure portion sizes. Restaurants serve larger portions. Hence, you should eat only half. You should reduce your calorie intake by at least 300-400 calories.

This is followed by making the right food choices. You should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables as provide nutrients, vitamins, fiber and protein. Eat them as far as possible in the fresh and raw forms. For example, freshly juiced oranges are a better option that store-bought orange juice.

Sing yourself to sleep

You've probably heard of beauty sleep; there's weight loss sleep too. The reason you should sleep well is because sleep deprivation influences hormones that regulate important functions such as appetite and mood. Not only this, as you snore in bed, your poor body is busy doing its night shift - breaking down food, metabolizing carbohydrates and processing fat. Inadequate sleep disturbs this natural process and adds unwanted bulges. An adult should get minimum 6-8 hours sleep. Proper sleep will also reduce risk of other diseases and illnesses.

As you try these methods, do not get swayed by other quick fat loss stories. It takes time to lose weight for women and without exercise it could take a wee bit longer. So, persevere!