What Are 5 Good Energy Foods Or Vegetables?

Many of us find that we are a bit low on energy, especially if we are dieting or we have had weight loss surgery. Dieting seems to take a lot out of us because we are consuming less food, we are not taking in caffeine like we used to, and there is also the fact that the body can be deprived of certain nutrients. Although many dieters feel that they are eating the right foods, the question is if they are eating enough of the right foods and if they are taking a dietary supplement to help them along.

The dietary supplement

A good dietary supplement is great to take each day so that you can have more energy. However, it cannot work alone in providing your body with the natural nutrients it needs to create an adequate amount of energy to help you through your day.

However, a good supplement that will help you along will contain Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamins B6 and B12, Folate, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Iron, and Phosphorus. Some supplements are now including tri-Amino blends that include L-Taurine, L-lutamine, and L-Carnitine. These are great for helping provide a little extra energy.


And now that you know a dietary supplement can't do it all on its own, it is very important that you be made aware of 5 good energy foods and vegetables that will help in providing you with the energy you need. It doesn't matter if you are on a weight loss mission, have had weight loss surgery such as lap band, or if you just want to have more energy, these are foods that you should eat because they work in making you healthier.

Those 5 foods are:

1. Wheat and barley - Anything containing these two food items will be high in energy. This explains why runners and other athletes will eat pasta the day before a competitive event. However, this is not something that you should eat a lot of. You must portion this. If you have had weight loss surgery such as lap band, this is something that your doctor will review with you.

2. Fruits - Take into consideration that the earth bears fruit and fruit is good for us. High energy fruits include bananas, strawberries, and pineapples.

3. Vegetables - Amongst vegetables, some of the most high energy foods and great for those on weight loss endeavors are green leafy vegetables. Cabbage and spinach have been pinned as the two that create the highest degree of energy.

4. Chicken - Chicken is high in protein and is great for weight loss. However, it must be skinless chicken or it will defeat the purpose.

5. Yogurt - Dairy is the tricky one for the fact that it is the dairy foods that are high in fat that provide the most energy. However, you can have yourself a cup of yogurt and provide yourself with some extra energy. There are dairy products out there that will enable you to energize and still achieve weight loss.

A balanced diet

It mainly comes down to having a balanced diet. If you have lap band surgery or another weight loss surgery, your doctor will talk to you about portions and eating the right foods. Even if you are trying to lose weight the old fashioned way, the success lies in the foods that you eat. You also have to exercise. These two things make for a super weapon against weight gain. In the meantime, you will shed the pounds and have the energy to do it, which means a better quality of life for you.