21 Ways to Get Slim Without Dieting

1. Imagine yourself being slim. You more likely to lose weight if you visualize yourself as being slim. The more real the image you create in your mind, the more intense is your desire to create.

2. Drink water. It's easy to confuse thirst with hunger and to reach out to a cookie when in fact you want a glass of water. Be sure, therefore, keep your body hydrated. In order to achieve the goal of eight glasses of water, be sure to get a large bottle of water on your desk or in the refrigerator, from which you can drink continuously throughout the day.

3. Eat more beans and lentils. "All the legumes have a low glycemic index, that is increasing slowly and steadily in blood sugar levels, so develop the feeling of hunger slowly," says. Try adding different types of legumes in sauces for pasta, soups and stews with meat dishes to make them more filling without increasing its content of fat or calories.

4. Do not forget a meal. "The maintenance of stable blood sugar levels is vital if you want to avoid hunger crises that leads to your snacking and binging, "notes Dr. Doyle.

5. Take pride in your appearance. Good appearance always boosts morale, thus increasing the courage to watch your figure.

6. Limit oil. "If you use in cooking just a tablespoon of oil less per day, in one year will have lost enough calories to lose at least 4 pounds.

7. Clean the house. Two hours housework a week burn enough calories to lose more than 3 pounds a year! And the more serious work one does, the more calories you burn. Plus your house will glow with cleanliness.

8. Eat protein. Do not forget the low fat proteins like fish, roast chicken and lean meat. Studies conducted at the Research Institute in Aberdeen have shown that protein is more effective in satisfying hunger than those from carbohydrates or fats. Therefore, eating a little protein with your lunch would lessen the chances of picking at something unhealthy in the afternoon.

9. Make small changes. Everyday make one of the following proposed changes and you will save 120 calories each without feeling hungry. This is enough to lose 5 pounds in a year!

Replace each of the following:

4 thick slices of bread with butter - 4 medium slices of bread with a low fat spread
1 can regular soft drink - 1 glass of sparkling water or 1 can diet soft drink
2 cups whole milk - 2 cups buttermilk
1 roasted potatoes with butter and cheese - 1 roasted potatoes with boiled beans

10. Posture. Stand in front of the mirror and do the following: lift your shoulders and push them back, then lower them into a comfortable position. Meanwhile, "tighten" the muscles of the abdomen and your buttocks and push outward to your chest. You will see immediately that your abdomen is flat and seems more "gathered". Give therefore special attention to the position of your body and be sure to stand with back straight.

11. Walk. It may sound unbelievable, but if you walk 10 minutes a day more, you will lose 3 pounds in one year! It is easy to fit this into a daily ten-minute program is it not? You have to drag the papers from one office to another anyway, you can do a little walk when you break or bounce up and down walking up the stairs. The best thing is you don't need any special equipment, just a comfortable pair of shoes that support the foot well.

12. Do not leave out sweet foods. Dr. Ann Delon, professor of Dietetics at Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh, believes that few sweet foods may make the diet more palatable and easier. However, prefer those that are good sources of other nutrients, such as fruit yogurt (rich in calcium) and dried fruits (rich in fiber and antioxidants).

13. Beware of shopping: Divide the trolley into three sections. Fill one with fruits, vegetables and salads, the second with bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and cereals. Then, divide the third in three parts, one of which will be much smaller. Fill one of the biggest with meat, fish, poultry or vegetarian options, the second with a low fat milk, cheese and yogurt, and the third (the smallest) with butter and treats. "In this way, the temptations in your refrigerator will be minimal.

14. Eat seated. It is one of the best ways to avoid snacking, according to experts. If you make the place to eat always seated you can enjoy your food more and gain awareness of what and how much you eat.

15. Eat high fiber. Whenever possible, choose foods rich in fiber, such as bread and whole grains and brown rice, says the nutritionist Judith Wiley. Fiber does not contain calories, so you get enough without adding weight. Furthermore, slowing the stomach emptying rate, making you feel fuller for longer.

16. Get up from your chair. You can burn calories easily if you make sure to get up from your seat every time you talk on the phone. Overall, while standing up for one hour more a day will burn 50 calories more - ie a pound less every 10 weeks, without actually doing anything!

17. Eat slowly. Put your knife and fork down after every bite to slow down the pace at which you eat. This way you will reduce dramatically the chances of eating more than normal.

18. Buy small quantities. If you tend to indulge in delicacies such as cakes or cookies, start buying individual portions rather than family packs, says dietitian Lyntel Kostain. It will probably be empty at the same rate as the big pack. And if that does not convince you, think that if you replace a large pack of your favorite chocolate with a small pack, in one year that's 55,000 calories less - or more than 15 pounds!

19. Throw away the remote control. To get up several times each night to change the TV channel is an excellent exercise.

20. Check your hunger. Do not start eating unless you consider how much you're hungry. Get into the habit to rating your hunger from 1 to 10. Each time you realize that your hunger is less than 5, wait a while before starting to eat.

21. Choose your beverages wisely. Cutting out sugary drinks will cut loads of calories out of your diet..