5 Compelling Reasons Why Green Tea Should Be Part of Your Daily Diet

Green tea has been a part of eastern culture for thousands of years and the health benefits that people see are varied and in some cases dramatic. Those benefits range from weight loss to lowering of cholesterol to disease prevention. Here  are some compelling reasons to drink green tea:

1.) Weight Loss

Studiies are showing that consumption of this drink increases thermogenesis (or fat burning) by using it's  antioxidant  epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG ) to stimulate the release of fat in to the blood stream and which is then flushed out of the body. Studies are showing that green tea weight loss happens because it helps to speed up your metabolism by as much as 43%. Other studies are showing that the polyphenols in it help to reduce hunger pains as well.

2.) Lowering of  Cholesterol

Research is showing that drinking it can help to lower cholesterol and it is believed to work by inhibiting lipids absorption in the digestive tract. Also, studies are finding (as mentioned before) that EGCG, an antioxidant, helps to release fats in to the blood stream which are removed as waste from the body.

3.) Diabetes Protection/Blood Sugar Control

A study out of Japan in 2006 showed that those folks that drank 6 cups daily had less of a chance to develop diabetes than those that drank 1 cup per week. Also, another study out of Japan showed that in those people that are considered borderline or pre-diabetic, green tea consumption lowered the hemoglobin A1c levels, which is  a measurement of the glucose levels in the blood.

4.) Cardiovascular Health

The antioxidants, primarily ECGC or epigallocatechin gallate, found in green tea promote heart health by providing anti-inflammatory, antithrombogenic effects. ECGC helps to prevent heart muscle damage by blocking inflammatory chemicals that produce oxidation and destroy heart cells during a heart attack.  Also, it is believed that green tea antioxidants can help restore heart cells following a heart attack.

Also, researchers say that there is evidence to suggest that it is beneficial for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, which is the build up plaque in the arteries. ECGC helps to lower LDL cholesterol as well as triglycerides and some free radicals. When cholesterol becomes oxidized, it's surface becomes rigid or sticky which in turns can cause it to adhere to the walls of the arteries.

5.) Anti-Aging Effects

Because green tea is a rich source of antioxidants, which are responsible for neutralizing free radicals, it is not surprising that so many different health benefits can occur including anti-aging effects. Free radicals cause oxidation which is the aging and death of cells. Rust is a perfect example of oxidation. If the protective coat on a car is damaged or removed eventually oxidation will take a toll and the metal will become oxidized. The same thing happens to our cells. When free radicals attack our cells, they can become damaged which can eventually lead to disease. Green tea is rich in antioxidants like ECGC which neutralize free radicals and in turn help to prevent premature aging and disease.

A study out of Japan analyzed data collected over an 11 year period with over 40,000 participants, ages 40-79. All of the participants were considered healthy, this is that they were void of diseases such as heart disease, stroke and cancer. After the 11 year study was completed it was found that those who consumed 5 cups of green tea per day had a much lower risk of death from all causes (with the exception of cancer) especially cardiovascular related diseases and stroke.

In eastern cultures, green tea has become a staple of the Asian  diet  and while we can't say that green tea is the only reason why their rates of diseases like heart disease and cancer are less, it is safe to conclude that the consumption green tea on a daily basis is a contributing factor as to why their overall health is much better than that of western cultures.