5 Crazy Facts About Silverfish Bugs

Silverfish may be one of those pests you want to get rid of or this could be the first time you've ever heard about "silverfish". Regardless, silverfish are very interesting bugs and have characteristics that distinguish themselves apart from the "normal" bugs. This article will highlight the most interesting aspects of silverfish bugs.

One of the Oldest Insects in the World
Silverfish bugs have been around for a very long time. They have inhabited this planet for over 400 million years. To put this into perspective they were on the earth 100 million years before dinosaurs existed.

Immune to Most Bug Poisons
You would expect an insect 400 million years old would have built up quite an immune system, so without question silverfish bugs have an amazing tolerance to bug poisons. This is one of the major drawbacks for trying to get rid of them, because you simply cannot kill them!

Silverfish Live for Quite a While
Think silverfish may die when it gets cold outside...or maybe that they're one of those insects that die fairly quickly. If that was your guess, then think again! Silverfish on average live from anywhere from 3-6 years of have been known to live to be over eight years old.

Silverfish Have a Crazy Diet
If you have a silverfish problem and were planning on removing their food source to get rid of them, you may be in for a surprise. Silverfish's main diet consists of paper, glue, or any other starchy substance (such as toothpaste, pasta, cardboard, etc). Unfortunately these are things we surround ourselves with every day, so the chances of removing these articles from your home is very unlikely.

Silverfish Can Get Around
Because of their small size (and many appendages) silverfish live in tiny cracks in your house and easily scale walls, ceilings, and can jump as much as two feet vertically. This makes it virtually impossible to corner a silverfish.