Most of the detox programs do not allow the person to eat on a regular fashion. A certain amount of strictness is to be observed while on the detox diet so that the person undergoing the entire
Eating natural fruits and vegetables as a part of everyday
There is absolutely no one who does not love coffee but while on the detox program they are expected to stay away from the same so that the detox program is a sure success and the positive effects are clearly visible. Because of these restrictions people while on the detox program are bound to experience side effects like headaches and dizziness. This is natural because the body is undergoing a few changes that are new to it.
Detoxification gives better results when it is done in combination with other methods too. One such example is the foot detox bath where all the toxins that are present in the body come out through the pores that are present in the feet into the water that is charged.
But ultimately, it is what we eat and drink that matters most during and after the detox process. For the entire program to be successful, one should say a strict no to unhealthy foods.