Relationship of Diet to Your Height

People usually take it for granted that height is hereditary and so it should follow that if you have tall and big parents, you become tall automatically. Then you are left wondering why some people with these same qualities still do not grow taller.

The answer lies in the type of  diet , what they eat or omit to eat. Certain vitamins in particular types of foods can be height boosters. They are the super vitamins and this is the point of discussion here.

Vitamin A: It is called an eye vitamin but very little is known of the other benefits of this vitamin; which actually includes making you taller by boosting growth. Vitamin A is found in foods like some meats, fish, milk, egg and liver. All these help in building strong bones and also muscles.

Vitamin B Complex: It is found in mushrooms, milk, and liver, leafy vegetables that are dark green. They encourage the growth of cells and make the bone marrow be filled will healthy RBC or what is called the red blood cells.

Of course those are not the only benefits of the well known Vitamin B, as it also boosts the body metabolism, aids the immune as well as the nervous system.

Vitamin C: It also helps the growth of the body by helping bone tissues as well as the body immunity. The foods to help you access this vitamin are fruits like carrots, oranges, berries, mangoes and many others. It is very useful and well known for the prevention of serious diseases like cancer, stroke, and the coronary heart disease and even cataracts of the eyes.

Vitamin D: It is noteworthy that when it reaches the area of bone growth, the most reliable friend is vitamin D. Its chief function is to grow the bones which actually mean that if you lack in this, the bones might be deformed. Vitamin D can be found in direct sunlight, egg yolk plus fish oil.

When you talk about the vitamins that help in improving body growth and height, these are the main vitamins.