Sporting Weight Loss, Motivation, and Mental Attitudes

Introduction to a Healthy Lifestyle, for weight loss and well being

A healthier, happier and more successful you with weight loss through sport and an active life style.

You can become a healthier, happier and more successful person by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle. You will have to make changes to the overall you, not just change the amount of exercise you do or your   diet . The secret to achieving happiness and a healthier you is to balance your body and mind, it is only when we are balanced in physical health, mental and spiritual that we are truly healthy.

I will write about the value of meditation at a later time.

If we are healthy then we are happier and can reach success more easily in life, This is some of the ways you can bring back harmony and balance to your life

Exercise is an essential part, it helps to tone our body, keep our heart and lungs healthy and detoxifies.

Pick a sport any sport

find out if a coworker plays in a net ball team or has a touch footy team, Hey I love my Triathlon so I will always tell you to find a club who can give you some good advice and fellowship.

Exercise can be anything from more vigorous routines such as aerobics to simply walking, pick your favorite activity and set aside a specific time of day and commit yourself to devoting a half-hour per day towards getting your body back into shape.

Eating right is the next essential step

To maintain a well-balanced life; our bodies need the right amount of vitamins, nutrients and minerals to work at its best. Making changes to our  diet  is easy, keep away from fast foods which contain a lot of saturated fats and sugar.

I at this point in time will not presume to influence your  diet  and if you should eat something that has a face etc, but I do know from experience the more you get to a raw food  diet , abundant in fruit and vegetables the more energy and energetic you will feel. So start including more green vegetables and try to eat fresh fruit instead of juice when available.

Along with making changes to your  diet  and until you get a feeling for how your body is going you should include supplements such as vitamins, nutrients and minerals.

Be aware

Modern farming methods and fast food mentality, strip many of our foods of the minerals our bodies require and now just provide us with the basic nutrients. Due to this we might be lacking in certain minerals and vitamins, by including in your  diet   raw organic fresh fruit and vegetables  you can to ensure we still get all the vital minerals, nutrients and vitamins we need in our daily  diet .

Reducing the amount of stress

This is where the role of sport has the added benefit of being a great reliever of Stress, which can do much damage to our body and mind.

It has been linked with "burnout", fatigue, sleep problems, depression and it lowers our immune system. Learning techniques on how to cope with stress and worry are essential to keeping yourself balanced and full of energy.

One of the things that people with depression have to deal with is the perception of others around them. Depression, in the many forms that it may come through as, is considered by many to be a mental illness

Trying to live a normal life while living with these circumstances can be very difficult because of how others see the person who suffers from depression.There is definitely a social stigma attached to being a depressive.

Employers, co-workers, teachers and even friends who you have known for years may view you differently if they become aware of what you have to deal with.

Yet, how can you hide it and really why should you have to?. There is always a way out if you find yourself sliding to that point ,try to reach out ,this is where sport has the added role,of not only the physical but emotional well being of social interaction.

Simple breathing exercises

There are a variety of techniques which can be done anywhere, at anytime, to yoga which is a full system for relaxation and de-stressing to meditation.There are many books, DVDS and CDS available on the subject or there are courses you can attend. Bikram yoga is a great way to loosen up

Lastly but by no means the least important is keeping life fun, doing something which you enjoy doing and makes you feel relaxed and happy each day.No you are not being selfish by taking time out each day just for yourself, this time is essential.

Just be aware of the time you are putting in to your new found lifestyle does not impact on a family situation, here balance is the key

It is just as important as exercising, eating right and reducing stress, your time could be spent doing a hobby or pastime that you enjoy, sitting quietly and reading, taking a hot bubble bath while listening to your favorite music or spending quality time with your family or friends.