Weight Loss - Avoiding Those Temptations

The diet plan or program that you decide to use in your  weight   loss  journey cannot help you escape from the many temptations that can ruin your attempts. Temptations are everywhere you look. A great example is you begin your day right but before you get to work you have already given in to a weakness.

How did that happen? Here is one scenario. You're feeling good about your  weight   loss  program. You got up early so that you would have time to eat a healthy breakfast. Understanding that eating breakfast is a good way to kick start your metabolism you tell yourself that you can feel it at work.

What a great feeling. You jump in your car and begin to drive off when you notice that you need gas. No problem you think, you will just stop at the corner quick shop and get a fill up. After pumping your gas you go in to pay and while waiting in line you plan ahead and grab a package of M&Ms and a small bag of potato chips; that's just in case you need to work through lunch.

Hold It; Back Up!

Do you see what I mean about temptations? Why is that places like the corner markets do not put oatmeal or fruit on a display instead of candy or chips? The reason is impulse buying.

People are paid huge amounts of money to learn about our spending triggers. They know what our weaknesses are, and that is what is promoted near the checkout lines. Usually it is inexpensive items that most people like or use.

Okay, so you come to your senses and put the candy and chips back. You head onto the highway and soon arrive at work. As you stop by to say hello to a co-worker you notice that they have a small bowl of candy on their desk. But you are strong and walk away without indulging. Good for you!

Lunch Time

A group of co-workers ask you to go out for lunch to celebrate a birthday. You agree and resolve to stick to your diet. Happily you notice that this restaurant offers free re-fills on your drinks. You decide that drinking more sweet tea will help to fill you up and you will eat less.

You do great during the meal but the group decides to order a dessert sampler for the birthday celebration. You decide that one small dessert won't blow your diet.

Hold it...that sweet tea may be free but those calories are not. And depending on what dessert you opt to have you could be using your entire calorie quota for the day.

Let's call lunch even and move on to dinner. You arrive home late and you are hungry. What do you do? You go directly in search of something quick and easy to eat. The problem is that quick and easy is usually full of empty calories.

Obviously some temptations cannot be removed from our life. But we do have control over our reaction to the temptation and over what is in our homes.

Develop your own plan for dealing with your personal temptations. And whatever you do, try to avoid keeping the wrong foods in your home. Dieting is hard enough without adding temptations to your life that could be avoided.