4 Reasons Why Weight Management Hypnosis Will Be Valuable For You

The desire to release weight could well be the number one desire in the developed world. And there are probably more different ways to supposedly solve the issue, than ever before, and yet here we are in 2017 with a greater obesity problem than ever, plus there is more diabetes and more people frustrated about their weight than ever before.

Using hypnosis for weight management is the perfect way to make your healthy diet and exercise work faster and better. But the main reason hypnosis helps is by bi-passing all the reasons that you have not succeeded up until this point.

So where is your barrier to weight loss?

  1. Emotional eating. You know how it works, you have a bad day, someone upsets you, you get bad news or your teenager is driving you nuts? So outcome your favorite comfort foods. Chocolate, cookies, pasta, alcohol, cola, salty snacks, etc.

You eat or drink way to much in an attempt to feel better, but after the initial moments of taste pleasure, you just keep shoveling it in, until you realise you ate the whole lot!

Now you feel bad, you over ate, you let yourself down again and your original problem still exists.

  1. Food addiction. The most common is for sugary foods but some people are stuck with the savory snacks. Addiction implies that this is some difficult problem to solve which may require you moving into a rehabilitation centre and bonding with cocaine addicts.

The truth is that sugar does bind to the same receptors in the brain that cocaine does, firing off feelings of pleasure.

But quitting sugar is absolutely not like quitting cocaine. Even the most hard core sugar fans can walk away from it with some help.

  1. Slow Metabolism. When I conduct seminars I ask how many people have a slow metabolism. Most put their hands up. Then I ask who can point to their metabolism, and of course no one can.

Your metabolic rate is governed by a number of important systems and some of these such as your thyroid can be measured and medicated. But there is a simple fact. To gain weight, i.e. make and deposit fat you need to consume the food to do it.

  1. Picky Eaters. From my perspective a picky eater is someone who for some reason has never developed the desire for a variety of foods, and this has turned into a belief that doesn't serve them nutritionally.

All 4 areas are successfully managed by hypnosis allowing you to get on with being healthy and losing weight.