Get Healthy - Add Fresh Seafood To Your Diet

Though the link between eating fresh seafood and general improvements with regard to health has been known for ages, the exact mechanisms behind the phenomenon might have been considered somewhat ambiguous until recently. A high-protein and low-fat kind of sustenance as various fish and other sea fauna species are, not all the benefits provided by eating them could have been explained via such simple mechanisms.

The discovery of higher Mercury levels in farm raised fish has led scientist to believe that one should stick with wild caught fish whenever possible. Long term studies have not been conducted yet to determine the effects of eating farm raised fish but it is assumed that the exposure to Mercury will have negative effects.

The good thing about wild caught fish is that they have been literally untouched by mankind. Crops and meat sources that are farmed have been manipulated by scientists in order to increase yields, lower growth time frames and make items easier to ship. Wild caught fish are not subject to these kinds of manipulation.

Following the introduction of new technologies, however, and the discovery of omega-3 fatty acids and their key role to various aspects of human health, the benefits of enjoying a  diet  rich in, for instance, lobster meat or other kinds of fresh seafood suddenly became far more visible and clear.

The omega-3s start a wonderful activity as early as on fetal stage of human development. Docosahexaenoic acid, commonly found in fish, crab and lobster meat, is an essential component for building brain and nerve fetal tissue as well as the retina. Consequently, research suggests that for infant cognition higher consumptions of fresh seafood low in mercury are beneficial by a pregnant woman.

Research has shown that a  diet  high in omega-3 will confer health advantages prenatally which persist after birth. Children eating such a  diet  develop less asthma and fewer cases of airway inflammation. Since live lobster and king crab are excellent sources of omega-3, adults will enjoy getting their regular dose.

Consumption of fresh seafood was proven reduce prevalence of depression in new mothers as well as make them less prone to breast cancer. Omega 3s present in the  diet  also protect against a variety of cardiovascular diseases, prevent strokes, improve eye and brain functions. Finally, they can halt mental decline later in the life - thus saving the happy fresh seafood lovers manifold the costs of their hobby.

Fish contain multiple advisable substances. They are plentiful in Vitamin D, which offers strong anti-cancer and bone-building qualities. Salmon contain Astaxanthin, which is a powerful anti-oxidant that confers a host of documented health benefits. It also gives salmon their orange coloring.

It is well known that to use natural ingredients easily found in food items agrees with the most innovative trends in medicine and with the idea that it is easier to prevent diseases than to cure them. Therefore, enjoy.