Home Cure For Yeast Infection

You're about to learn the BEST home cure for yeast infection available. I've been telling friends about this little gem for years and since it's application, their yeast infection have ended PERMANENTLY. What's so special about this home cure? It utilizes the one secret ingredient you've probably been overlooking for years!

When most people try a home cure for yeast infection, the first thing they turn to is over-the-counter medicines. Big mistake.

Over-the-counter medicine kills off the yeast infection bacteria, reducing the bacteria numbers back to where they're supposed to be - giving your body homeostasis. But when the bacteria is killed off very quickly using this method (with medicine), the dying cells give off toxins. These toxins either increase your symptoms or create a dormant yeast infection situation.

When the symptoms increase as a result of these remaining toxins, many people will just give up on the solution because it appears the medicine has only made things worse.

This dormant yeast infection scenario is one where the bacteria appears to have disappeared, when in reality, the bacterial toxins are regrouping in your body, bringing back the yeast infection several weeks later. Over-the-counter drugs create this vicious cycle because they attack the infection too aggressively.

That's why a home cure is always the best choice. You can cure your yeast infection within 12 Hours using diet strategies, natural supplements and hygenic tips to make the infection dissipate more rapidly.

Applying a home cure for yeast infection Diet strategy starves the bacteria by changing your diet means staying away from simple carbohydrates and sugars. The diet plan also suggests stays away from foods that contain yeast or mold.

While you are using this home cure, it's important to get plenty of rest. A candida or yeast infection will bring about much fatigue and the more rest you get, the better your body will react during the healing process.

Some of the first step actions involve:

  • Avoiding Sugars and complex carbohydrates
  • Eating lots of probiotics from yogurt and cottage cheese
  • Eating fiber and drinking lots of water to flush out the Candida Toxins
  • Applying Tea Tree Oil to the infected area
  • Avoiding scented soaps
  • Keep exposed Candida skin infections aerated

Don't just get discouraged by your yeast infections. Take action with a home cure for yeast infection and end them today.