Impotence, Infertility, and Sterility (Part 2)

Excessive ejaculation is very detrimental to overall optimal male health. Sperm contains the elixir of life (vitality) and constant loss of this special elixir causes a man to age prematurely. His hair thins, balds and turns grey, his teeth begin to fall out, his hearing and sight becomes bad, he's constantly fatigued or feeling lethargic, and prone to many sicknesses that claim his health.

Celibacy or temporary periods of sexual (or ejaculatory) fasting allows the spark plugs of the genitals to recharge (rejuvenate and revitalize), in addition to allowing sperm count and production to increase. Celibacy is also warranted to help heal from STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), which is the number one cause of chronic degeneracy of the male sex gland and reproductive system. Chronic sores, bumps, blisters, inflammation, discharges, and rashes debilitate the physical makeup of the male (and female) sex glands or organs and entire reproductive system and are greatly implicated in sterility and infertility.

Most STDs are contracted from recreational sex. God, Biblically speaking, instructed us to have "procreational" sex, but as hypocrites (to God) and loyal imps of the Adversary and his Matrix, we love to pursue and engage in recreational sex. Recreational sex is "wreck creational" (to wreck creation) and that's exactly what we are and have been foolishly doing - WRECKING God's creation, especially when you women and girls get pregnant and run to the butcher shop and get an abortion (infanticide), that many of us males are the cause (and financiers) of. I'll cover abortions and miscarriages in detail in a future article. However, you pay a hidden price for these government-approved acts of legalized murder euphemistically called "abortion" that I will pull your coat tail to (expose, bring to light).

The Adversary's Matrix keeps us ignorant and unconscious to our lower nature and manipulates us through the imbalances of our lower charkas, especially the root chakra (located at the genitals) and the sacral chakra (located under the belly button). Why do you think its high fashion today for women to wear shirts (blouses) that reveal their belly buttons? By all means am not I telling any woman to stop wearing blouses or even the most revealing clothes. Djehuty is pro freedom, liberation and choice. You do what you want to do. I'm just asking the question "do you know why you're doing what you do?" Do you know the science behind your fashion, styles, and habits? Do you know why you are piercing your belly buttons today? Do you know what the metals (gold, silver) do to your energy (including your sexual energy) and your sacral chakra? I'm simply asking a question!

Concurring with Author Stewart A. Swerdlow, blatant sexuality is all around us, from fashion to media to everyday speech. This sexuality is a deep, bright red that essentially pulls on your sexual charkas and opens them up. Using color, tone, and archetype (or symbol), these sexual chakras are systematically opened, fed, and energized, expanding them out of proportion until they have control over you. Then you are controlled and manipulated through these chakras." But when certain people like myself suggest the use of earth's crystals and gemstones that are naturally red in color and substance which balances and protects the sexual charkas, I'm called a diviner or a practitioner of divination, an occultist, etc.

Your religious leaders and institutions and the public fool (school) system have failed to teach you the metaphysics and metaphysical aspects of life that the Adversary uses against you. Do you deny the sexual perversity, decadence, immorality (fornication and adultery) that takes place in your religious institution or settings, even amongst the officials and leaders? Why do you think sex is so out of control today, but at the same time it's used to control society (fear of contracting AIDS or STDs, fear of getting pregnant, etc.)?

Sex is connected to fear and fear is the greatest weapon of control on the masses of the people today. But moving along with our topic...

Healing Impotence

To combat or reverse impotence, eat a more vegan-vegetarian based diet and/or consume only sparse amounts of meat (white meat only). Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, raw and organic fruit, plenty of seeds and nuts (think about it, male sperm is commonly known as "seed" i.e. "to plant seed in a woman"; and ejaculation is commonly referred to as a "nut" or "nutting", i.e. to bust a nut). The best seeds for a man to eat are pumpkin seeds (papitas) and sunflower seeds due to their rich zinc content. The male prostate gland is chiefly comprised of zinc and with every ejaculation, a man losses vital zinc.

There are a plethora of male-specific hormonal herbs that greatly help heal impotence and degeneracy of the male organ and reproductive system. Yohimbe bark, a powerful African aphrodisiac herb, greatly helps to counteract impotence by its power of increasing and enhancing blood flow to the penis greatly enhancing girth and hang time of the penis. Lycii berry invigorates the blood and can help to increase sperm count and reproductive secretions. Epimedium (Horny Goat weed), a powerful Chinese herb, counteracts premature ejaculation and improves circulation to the penis by its action of dilating the capillaries and larger blood vessels (just like Yohimbe). They don't call this herb Horny Goat weed for nothing. Epimedium has an effect that makes a man (and a woman) horny and lustful like a goat. Muira Puama, a South American herb commonly known as "potency wood", is probably the best herb in counteracting im(potence). It has a libido enhancing effect and greatly supports organ regeneration.

Ashwagandha, a powerful Indian or Ayurvedic herb, promotes sexual organ health and regeneration and also has a libido enhancing affect. Damiana, a Mexican aphrodisiac herb, greatly enhances circulation to the penis and energizes the penis. Sarsaparilla nourishes the male sex gland and system and greatly helps reverse conditions of impotence and degeneracy. I could never forget about Stiffcock Strongback. The name says it all for this West Caribbean herb! It is great for a stiff "cock" (penis) in cases of impotence and also strengthens the back which becomes degenerate from a lot of humping. Ever wanted to know why a man was said to be "sowing his oats" in regards to having sex with a woman? This saying has to do with the herb Oat or Oatstraw. Goats are very sexual and lusty creatures, and what do goats in America eat? Oatstraw (grass)! Oatstraw is excellent for the improvement of the male regenerative system.

From time to time (every 4-6 months), I make a tea with all of the foregoing herbs and some other herbs not mentioned, for maintenance of my reproductive system (and one day is all I need). It actually takes control over your body and you almost have no control over your sex organ. The penis does have a mind all of its own. God's herbs are far more effective than man's pharmaceutical drugs' (Cialis and Viagra).

I concocted an herbal compound that we sell at DHERBS called Jackrabbit to serve as a safer and saner alternative to these harmful pharmaceutical sex enhancing drugs. If you really want to conceive a child or just improve your sex life, start messing around these herbs and herbal concoctions (Jackrabbit, Male Hormonal Formula, Prostate Formula). Your impotence will be gone in a matter of days. You will become a hound dog and a lusty goat, hopefully under the right circumstances (like being in a monogamous relationship or married). You'll read the Song of Solomon in the Bible and become aroused at all of its sexual innuendos.

After all, God made the herbs for the service of man (Psalms 104:14) and instructed man to be fruitful and to multiply and replenish the earth (Genesis 1:28). Now if God instructed us to be fruitful and to multiply and replenish the earth, and today we cannot do such because we are impotent as men (and sterile or infertile as women), what does this imply? Somewhere along the line we have deviated from God's path and ordained way of life for us. The proof is in the pudding! Our sexual disorders are preventing us from adhering to God's commandment. Could our modern day high meat, dairy and starch-filled diets and fast-paced and technological-based lifestyles have something to do with this?

It's interesting in that after God instructed man and woman to be fruitful and to multiply and replenish the earth in Genesis 1:28, God comes behind this with an ordained diet for man and woman in Genesis 1:29 that is a fruitarian (fruit-based) diet:

"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."

Now if God instructed us to eat fruit that contains seed, how come we are eating seedless fruit today, such as seedless watermelon, seedless grapes, seedless oranges, etc.? Again, we talk and profess God, but we are the most loyal imps of the Devil or Adversary and are too blind and self-righteous to know it, but are perplexed at our modern day pathologies and disorders. I truly understand how the devil came to God walking amongst the sons of God without the sons of God having a clue that the devil was with them:

"Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them." JOB 1:6

So getting back to our Genesis-based fruit-based diet, the terms "fruitful" and "seed" have to do with sexual reproduction. Does a man not have "seed"? Is not a woman "fruitful"? The term "infertility" derives from the Latin word infertilis, meaning "not fruitful" [in "not" and fertilis "fruitful"]. A woman who is not fruitful is said to be infertile which brings us to the topic of female infertility.

What is infertility?

Infertility (or infertile) is defined as: "The inability to produce offspring. This condition may be present in one or both sex partners and may be temporary and reversible. The cause may be physical, including immature sexual organs, abnormalities of the reproductive system, hormonal imbalance, and dysfunction or anomalies in other organ systems, or may result from psychological or emotional problems. The condition is classified as primary, in which pregnancy has never occurred, and secondary, when there have been one or more pregnancies." SOURCE: Mosby's Dictionary, 3rd Edition (1990)

Eat plenty of artichokes and asparagus (steam them). Eat plenty of pomegranates, berries (raspberries, Lycii, vitex or chaste tree, blueberries, Goji, etc.). Eat plenty of sunflower and pumpkin seeds (uterus food). These are your fertility enhancing foods.

Women, do you know how to bless your wombs? Do you know how to prevent the psychic attacks on your womb?

Your womb is a potential internal nursery for a Rosemary's Baby which means your womb is used to produce a baby for the Devil (Adversary, Matrix). In the 1966 Roman Polanski movie "Rosemary's Baby", actress Mia Farrow unsuspectedly and unknowingly carried a baby for the Devil. These murderers, serial killers, drive-by shooters, cut-throats, and natural born killers, where did they come from? Answer: from the womb of a female!

Healing for Infertility (Frigidity)


The following essential oils may be burned in a diffuser, added to bath water, or inhaled throughout to help enhance fertility: CLARY SAGE, JASMINE, YLANG YLAND COMBAVA, ROSE ABSOLUTE and TUBEROSE.


Formulas that will aid and assist in impotence and infertility include: JACKRABBIT, FEMALE HORMONAL, MALE HORMONAL, YONI, STD-RID, AND PROSTATE.