Is Rapid Weight Loss the Way to Go?

Many of us have wanted to lose weight and burn fat for a very long time. Many of us have also wanted to lose weight fast. Many of us have also used crash and fad diets, but only to gain more weight afterwards.  Weight   loss  has been a trending topic for long now. I agree that we need to live healthy and look good. Everybody has a need to look good. Over and above that, feel great. To an overweight person, the promise of a slimmer and a healthier body means a lot. Overweight people just know how hard it is to get a pair of jeans from normal clothing department stores. They are also aware of how it is uncomfortable to eat in front of people, sitting there thinking of how everybody is talking about them and discussing how they are eating.

I have come across a lot of people who want to drop all of 15 pounds in a week. But is losing weight fast safe? Is it healthy? Is it even wise? Lets deal with these questions intently. Losing weight is just about what every overweight person dreams about. They talk about it and think about it all the time. Losing weight fast achieves one thing. A secondary effect. One may be able to drop those extra pounds fast and also feel energized and have more endurance. Lets pose more questions:

Would you want more long term results or short term results. Would you want results that make you happy now or later? Do you want to wow your friends, family and spouse now or later? I bet each one of you answered these questions with NOW. But that will produce short term  weight   loss . This is why - when you drop a lot of weight at once, you also lose your muscle. In fact, in addition to losing muscle, you lose a lot of water. Now your goal is to lose fat and develop muscle, right. Losing muscle is not what you want, you want to develop it so that you can use it to burn more calories, in turn burning fat. Neither do you also don't want to lose a lot of water because that will cause you to gain all the weight lost quickly. I have tried crash and fad diets and this is entirely true.

 Weight   loss  should be enjoyable. You should be in love with yourself when you are eating healthy and working out. Most of  weight   loss  successes, actually, have come from portion control of our food. This is through eating what you are used to but controlling the portions so that the calorie intake is less than your maintenance level while also working out at intervals. In conclusion, though rapid  weight   loss  works, it is only short term. My advice to you is focus on long term results. With such, you will have a toned body in good shape, a vibrant smile, a feel good aura and improved self confidence. Device a  weight   loss  program that will challenge you to follow consistently and work your way through a healthy life.