Nutrition Is Critical After Heart Surgery

Nutrition is critical after heart surgery a healthy diet is an important part of a healthy life, but at no time is nutrition more important than following surgery, especially open-heart surgery. Nutrition guidelines for patients after open-heart surgery are divided into two phases: acute (immediately following surgery) and long term. In the acute phase, it is normal to have a poor appetite. Patients are encouraged to eat small, frequent meals until their appetites return to normal. A registered dietician will provide basic diet instructions based on medical history and the surgery.

A short time after leaving the hospital, the long-term phase begins. Patients are encouraged to make healthy food choices to prevent further damage to the heart and the surrounding arteries. The following are commonsense tips for eating a healthy diet after surgery: Eat a diet that is low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. A diet low in fats and cholesterol is recommended to prevent further build-up in the arteries. Animal products are a significant source of saturated fat and cholesterol in our diets so choose carefully. Skim milk, skinless chicken breast and fish are lean food choices as well as fruits, vegetables and grain products. Enjoy plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Choose at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day to supply the body with lots of vitamins and minerals.

Fruits and vegetables are high in fibre, as are whole grains such as oats, whole wheat bread and whole grain breakfast cereals. These foods provide the foundation for a healthy diet according to the Food Guide Pyramid. Maintain or achieve a healthy weight. Carrying around excess weight can cause an added strain on the heart a healthy diet and exercise can help control weight. Check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Go easy on salt and sodium. Many people eat much more sodium than their bodies need. Too much sodium may cause fluid retention and negatively affect blood pressure. Eating fewer processed foods can significantly reduce sodium intake. Use sugar in moderation. Sugar provides no nutrition or value to our diets, just empty calories. Too much may increase triglycerides, blood sugars and cause weight gain.

Maintaining your health after surgery starts with small steps and a common sense approach toward eating. Remember that balance, variety and moderation are the keys to any healthy lifestyle changes. Also, colon cleanse tablets will help speed up the weight loss process.