3 Day Diet Review

The 3 Day  Diet  is another in a long line of starvation  diets  that will do your body far more harm than good. I know you may feel desperate to lose weight very quickly but a starvation  diet  is never the right answer.

There's nothing special about this  diet . There's no "chemical reaction" that goes on. It's just a very low calorie  diet  and that's all.

Why are low calorie  diets  such as this so bad? Because they actually slow down your body's metabolism. If you don't know the importance of your metabolism then let me explain now why that is such a bad thing. Your metabolism is basically the speed at which your body burns calories. The faster your metabolism the more calories you burn and the more weight you lose. The slower your metabolism the less calories you burn and the more weight you gain.

That's why it's essential that you choose a  diet  which boosts your metabolism both for fast short term weight loss and for long term weight loss goals.

A "starvation  diet " like this one makes your body go into "starvation mode" with an extremely slow metabolism. This is why even though you'll be starving yourself by eating very few calories if you try this  diet  you probably won't lose very much weight. And as soon as you stop the  diet  (and you will) you will gain all the weight you lost and more.

Instead of the 3 Day  Diet , you should choose a metabolism boosting  diet  that includes the latest  dieting  breakthrough: A metabolism boosting "day off" from your  diet  every 7th day.

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