Many of have tried many different approaches to
Are most looking for a "magic" program when it comes to
Why does this keep happening?
Every part of your body is run by a nutrient. If any of those nutrient levels are low, the body steals from other sources. If you continuously run on alternate sources for prolonged periods, the body starts to rebel just like you would if you were doing your job plus someone else's in an 8 hour day. This causes you to look for quick fixes to compensate for the lack of nutrients. Sugar laden snacks, soda, salty and starchy foods start to creep back into your dietary intake. This is your body telling you to re-fuel. Immediately, this acts like an upper because it is so readily absorbed by your body, however a low quickly onsets and only continues to decline each time you eat processed or junk food. Now your mood, sleep, attitude, stamina level, hair, skin and elimination ability are all affected and this only gets worse as you age and your weight continues to increase. If you continue this cycle, you have a higher risk of being diagnosed with some form of preventable, chronic illness such as diabetes, heart disease or possibly thyroid problems.
To achieve better health, many continuously deal with this yo-yo dieting, hoping that this next one will be unlike all the others. I am here to tell you that
You will succeed at losing weight when you creating balance in all facets of your life. Learn as much as possible about the function of your own body. The general diagnosis isn't for everyone. What your body lacks in nutrition is not the same as everyone else in the room. Make it about you. Make it your personal journey. Find out what foods work best with your system.
Here are 7 steps to help you Balance your Life Towards Successful
Step 1. Look at your daily schedule and prioritize. (one thing at a time)
Step 2. List your daily food and fluid intake. (all things that you eat and drink)
Step 3. List your stressors (people, situations, things, relationships, work)
Step 4. List the things you have carried emotionally for years. (injustices, childhood issues, teen year incidents, sibling rivalry, failures, divorces, job losses, financial choices)
Step 5. List your ailments ( all of them)
Step 6. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are going to take care of you. (and mean it!)
Step 7. Be honest. If you cannot do it alone, get help but be very choosy. Do not accept every offer if they are not concerned with the above list.