Diet and Dieting: A Major Difference

Every second of every day, for one reason or another, people decide it's time to lose weight. Thus begins the search for the big "D" word, " DIET ". According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word  diet  has numerous meanings. The one most commonly used is, "a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one's weight ". Do a search on Google and your likely to come up with millions of results commercializing this definition. There are so many  diets , weight loss theories, lose weight fast recipes, and books floating around that it's easy to become overwhelmed by it all. The fact is, Nobody has the time or energy to sort through the endless number of websites, trying to piece together the perfect  diet  puzzle for you.

The definition we all seem to overlook is actually the one that can be of the most use to us when it comes to our weight and our overall health. That definition is this: "food and drink regularly provided or consumed; habitual nourishment". This means, the best thing you can do to keep yourself slim and healthy is to eat a healthy  diet  all the time, not just when you want to drop a few pounds. Eating healthy should be a long term lifestyle choice, not something that lasts a few months or until your weight goal is met.

The secret to a healthy  diet  and a healthy lifestyle is a well rounded  diet  of healthy, wholesome foods. You should never eliminate any food group from your  diet . As well, you should never eliminate a meal during the day. A healthier you begins with three words, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Losing weight can be as simple as it is difficult. Skipping meals is not the key to healthy weight loss. To lose weight you have to consume less calories than your body burns. Turn up your activity level and decrease the amount of calories you eat and you will lose weight.

The best thing most of us can do is to get serious about our health and maintaining our weight once we reach our goal. We all need to set our sites on a more structured nutrition and weight maintenance plan. We all need to understand that our bodies have built-in, natural fat-burners. But, those fat-burners become dysfunctional, and ineffective, and lead to weight gain and obesity when we don't follow a good nutritious  diet .

It's more than likely that most of us have struggled with our weight for years and have experienced the frustrations of so called "Miracle  Diets ". The fact is that even the best  diet  will fail miserably if it doesn't fit into your lifestyle, you might follow it for a few weeks, but eventually you are going to bounce right back to your old routines. Unfortunately, there isn't a magic pill for creating a perfect, healthy body. There are no special combinations of foods that will make us lose weight. So, we have two choices if we want that healthy body. We can continue to search for the fast weight loss  diet , or we can change our " Diet " and let our bodies work their natural powers.

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