Dukan Diet Books

The Dukan  Diet  plan menus mentioned in the  diet  books are some of the best ways to lose weight and also give beneficial tips on the  diet  lists as well. This book gives a detailed overview of various  diets  that one has to follow for weeks in order to see a visible difference in body weight. Along with the  diet  plans, the user should realize that for losing extra pounds he requires a major change in lifestyle as well.

The Dukan  Diet  book features four phases that the user needs to follow to shed the extra pounds and to maintain the body weight for a long time as well. The discussed  diet  menus are high in protein and low in carbs while keeping the nutrition level high. So the  diet  doesn't make the user feel weak or dizzy with hard rules. As, the Dukan  Diet  is a high protein program, the users get the benefit of better nourishment along with losing unnecessary weight at the same time.

The  diet  usually goes through four subsequent phases. Attack Phase is the first one where the  diet  lasts up to 1-10 days and during which usually the consumers have to follow a fast weight loss program. This phase is also a protein phase that includes a lot of fishes, brown eggs, steak and also low fat dairy products. The length of this phase varies depending on the over all weight that a person wants to lose.

The next phase is Cruise Phase in which the users eat only vegetables and proteins. This phase helps in shedding 2 pounds a week and is also considered as an easy phase to handle than the attack phase. This phase gives a variety of food options that the previous one and also acts well in weight loss.

The next phase that is Consolidation Phase, the users get introduced to more foods such as fruit, bread and pasta. Keeping a good protein  diet , the Dukan  diet  book's menu offers more options to the users.

The last phase is Stabilization Phase during which the  diet  includes proteins and varieties of foods depending up on the lost weight in last phases. During, this phase the main focus is on eating more normally while maintaining the new and reduced weight. This phase is considered as a crucial one as people tend to eat more and gain how much they have lost in past phases; hence, it is always important to maintain the  diet  and weight.

The Dukan  Diet  book's menu chart is quite challenging for vegetarians because of the meat, fish and seafood in the  diet . As, Eggs and dairy products are the main available protein sources of protein for vegetarians, they usually have less choices in the  diet . Vegetarians are advised to take more dairy products, tofu and also oats on each day of the  diet . Sometimes, Vegans find more difficulties as the plant proteins are quite limited and also their  diet  does not include egg and dairy products.

Overall, the Dukan  diet  plan has a lot of positive attributes and also at an affordable price. The short protein rich meals help in accelerating the metabolism and also to lose weight effectively.

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