The industry for individuals who are looking to consuming a diet drug is a popular one, with a vast range of different drugs available. The diet drug works by sending messages to the brain that your stomach is feeling full, thus increasing the metabolic rate to burn off the food that you have supposedly consumed. With the many different varieties of diet drugs available, it is often difficult to differentiate one from the other, or even to find the right one to suit your needs. Here is a quick guide on whether the diet drug is suitable for you.
There are two broad categories of diet pills, namely over the counter (OTC) and prescription only diet pills. OTC pills are seen as food supplements and are often under less strict or rigorous regulation requirements. The main ingredient in these OTC pills produces properties similar to amphetamine. This works on the basis of suppressing a person's appetite, or to reduce the amount of fat absorbed by the body.
Because an OTC diet drug is not subject to inspection and labeling procedures by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), these drugs have been known to produce severe side effects, and in some cases, death.
On the other hand, prescription pills are strongly controlled and regulated by the FDA, with studies being done on their effectiveness and the possible side effects experienced before being approved for release to the masses. These prescription drugs include well known brands such as Meridia, Adipex and Tenuate. Such diet pills are aimed at those who are grossly overweight, with a body mass index (BMI) of over 35.
It is often easy for someone trying to lose weight to turn to consuming a certain diet drug in order to obtain the ideal weight. However, these diet drugs, especially prescription pills, are not meant to take the place of a regular diet or a weight loss regime. More importantly, OTC pills carry even higher risks as it is not as stringently monitored. This has allowed manufacturers to produce miracle diet drugs and advertise it as such, without any scientific research or studies to monitor the effects.
Side effects of OTC and prescription pills often include fever, depression, rapid heartbeats, impotence and high blood pressure. It is also common for people to overdose on a diet drug due to the ingredients in OTC diet drugs. This is not to say that you should not use a diet drug, or that diet drugs do not work. A healthy lifestyle and weight will not come about simply by popping pills. It is advisory for you to seek a medical prescription from your doctor, and consume the pills with a healthy diet and regular exercise to see the best benefits.
Lastly, a diet drug is a last solution for individuals who are obese, and not meant for those who are simply looking to shed a few pounds or to fit into a dress. Due to the nature of diet pills, medical advice is strongly encouraged and your progress should be monitored constantly. Do not be tempted to consumer more than the allotted amount, and take note of the side effects that you are experiencing.