Lose Weight Diets - The Diet Solution Program

So, do you know how to do it? Lose weight and keep it off I mean. The Diet Solution Program claims to be able to do just that. It addresses the perennial problem of what to do when you come off your diet. Have you successfully finished a diet and then put all the weight back on when you went back to your normal diet?

This diet tells you what to eat and what not to eat in order to lose weight. OK, this is typical, but what is not typical is, once you know exactly what to eat, you can eat a lot more than you would expect. And, the 'good' foods are abundant and typical. You definitely do not have to go out and buy special and expensive foods, or buy specific pre-packaged foods on a regular basis.

In fact, once you know what to do, it is easy to continue on this diet for the rest of your life.

So what are good foods and what are bad?

Good foods are those that only contain one ingredient, for example, whole eggs, avocado, real butter, coconut oil, steak and much more.

Bad foods are those that have been processed, most breads including the healthy varieties, margarine, substitute butters and so on. If you cannot get along without bread, there are certain breads you can eat, just not what most people would recognise as typical.

The theory behind this is simple. All or most processed foods will add additional toxins into your body which your liver has to deal with. Now historically, this is not much of a problem as that is exactly what your liver is there for. But modern living and modern food has increased this load out of all reasonable levels. Individually, each processed foodstuff could be fine; it is just the total accumulated load that is the problem.

And if your liver is working overtime dealing with the toxins, it cannot deal properly with anything else. So, as an emergency measure it stores the rest as fat instead of converting it to energy. Remember, your liver has to prioritize and getting rid of toxins has the highest priority.

This means you will get fatter.

But if you switch to one ingredient foods, as recommended in The Diet Solution Program, your liver will be able to convert them easily to energy, so you become more energized and the food will not be stored as fat. And do not worry, this is only for the cleansing time. You will not have to eat only one ingredient foods for the rest of your life.

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