Scarsdale Diet

On my quest to a smaller size of jeans, I recently tried The Scarsdale  Diet . It was designed by an actual physician, so it seemed like a good healthy option. I wish I would have spoken to someone who actually tried this  diet  before I committed myself to it. What follows is the review of The Scarsdale  Diet  by one of its followers:

The Scarsdale  Diet  is a one to two week  diet  program that consists of meals made up of 43% protein, 22.5% fat, and 34.5% carbohydrates. Typical results of someone who strictly follows the plan are ten to twenty pounds of weight loss.

Followers of this program are on a very rigid  diet  for two weeks which leads to a less strict  diet  plan for the following week or two. The latter less rigid plan is referred to as the "Keep Trim" program.

The Good- As mentioned above, you may lose ten to twenty pounds in only a couple of weeks. These results are amazing. You get to enjoy a wide variety of lean meats because the program is mostly based on protein consumption. You may dress your meat with lemon, vinegar, mustard, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, and herbs. You may eat mostly any vegetable except for the heavy starches: corn, peas, potatoes, and many beans. If you love meat and are an expert at the grill, you may enjoy this  diet .

While drinking a lot of water is recommended, you are also able to keep your  diet  soda as the Scarsdale  diet  allows for the use of artificial sweeteners.

Exercise is out! You can sit back and relax as you drop pounds on this plan. The Scarsdale  diet  plan goes so far as to say that exercise is not recommended for those over forty who are not already on a planned exercise routine.

The Bad- While you may lose ten to twenty pounds in only a couple of weeks, you may not actually be losing FAT. Most of the weight lost in this time period will be water weight (which will return as soon as you begin to eat normally again). Another form of weight lost is from your lean muscle mass. Losing muscle is doubly bad because your muscle helps you burn fat. Lose muscle, lose the ability to burn as much fat.

If you are not a professed carnivore, you are not going to like the meal plan of the Scarsdale  Diet . If you enjoy a baked potato (or truly any form of baked good you could get at a bakery) you are going to be denying yourself a lot. Salads are great and tasty, but how tasty are they with only vinegar or lemon as a dressing? If you are a vegetarian you are not going to get enough protein with this  diet  as your main source of protein, namely beans, is strictly limited.

Fun things like pasta and pizza are a strict prohibition, as are fries, brownies, rolls, and croissants. What kind of life are you living if you cannot indulge in its simple pleasures?

Drinking water is going to be your only healthy option with this plan. While sodas with artificial sweeteners are permitted, there are not many people out there who would say they are "healthy."

You are not required to exercise, which may sound like a great plus to an entire population of couch potatoes. The bad news is, with the extreme calorie restriction (only 800-1000 calories allowed per day) you probably will not have the energy to get up off of the couch in the first place.

Final Verdict:
If you have a high school reunion coming up, and you only need to fit into your old jeans for a day or two, then you may want to try the Scarsdale  Diet . If you are a carnivore who eats meat like it is going out of style, you may actually enjoy this  diet . If you eat a wide variety of foods on a normal basis and do not want to overly restrict yourself, you will find yourself too limited by the Scarsdale  Diet .

Either way, you will ultimately gain any of the weight lost during this program back as soon as you return to your normal eating schedule. Is it worth it? That is up to you. Now you may make your own informed decision.

If you want to keep the weight off and lose fast, the Hoodia  Diet  is recommended in conjunction with the Scarsdale  Diet . Hoodia is a plant that grows deep in the African desert and is well known for its anti-oxidant properties as well as it ability to increase the metabolic rate which makes your body burn calories faster. The best part of the Hoodia  diet  is that you can try it and it makes your body incinerate calories by changing your internal chemistry in a healthy natural way. You can learn more about the Hoodia  Diet  Plan [] at their website.

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