Are you looking for information on what the best detox diet is? Read this article by a cleansing expert to get the details.
There's no doubt that a true and well designed detox program can work wonders for your health. There are countless testimonials from people who have followed a detox diet and reported everything from weight loss to the healing of a major disease. Detox works so well through improving your food intake is something that the body responds to immediately and wholly.
What Is A Detox Diet ?
Before we go into the various kinds of detox diets , let's define what we are talking about. A detox diet is one that is set up to help your major organs of detox, the colon, the liver and the kidneys, to work more effeciently. For most of us following a detox diet means eliminating a lot of processed food and replacing it with plenty of fresh foods that support these organs to work at their best.
What Kinds of Detox Diets Are There?
There really are 3 major kinds of detox diets .
The first is the most radical and not always the best for beginners. It involves fasting either on juice or water for a period of 3 to 10 days. This approach is simply too challenging for most people and although it can lead to weight loss and other health gains, it often comes with detox symptoms such as headache, fatigue and diziness. Another problem of fasting is that it can lead easily to the "yo-yo" effect of dieting in which you return to eat all the same foods you ate before the program and end up back where you started.
A second major approach to detoxing through diet is called the "Lemonade Diet " or the "Master Cleanse." During this program of 3 to 30 days you consume only a mixture of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. Developed in the 1930s, this diet has been around a long time and is now enjoying a surge in popularity as some celebrities have embraced it. Like fasting, it is a relatively extreme approach to detox.
A final detox diet method involves eating most of your food in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also sometimes known as the "raw food diet " or living food diet " this approach is slower than the others, but also more in reach for most people.
Which Detox Diet Is The Best?
There is really no question that when it comes to long lasting health improvements, a natural detox diet based on eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is the best. This type of detox is easier to complete for most people because it moves slowly without stressing the body. It also has the effect of helping you to change long standing cravings for junk food and other unhealthy eating habits. Finally it's an approach that can be completed over a course of months which allows for deeper and more lasting health changes to occur.
How To Get The Most Out Of A Detox Diet Plan?
When it comes to following any of these kinds of plans, you really need to focus on why you want to cleanse before you start. It can be challenging to go through a cleanse program so you need to make sure your motivations are clear. Try to make them as specific as possible. "Lose 3 pounds by January" is always better than "lose weight" as a goal. Your motivations can also include things like "staying healthy for my grandkids," or "looking good for my anniversary." Whatever it is for you, make sure you have it written down before you start a detox program.
Beyond that, you need to make sure that you have very good instructions to follow your program as well as lots of support. Remember that any effort you make in terms of improving your health will be rewarded, but that the rewards will come over time and not overnight.